Ciprian Marica, sincer după Farul – FCSB 0-1: „Am întâlnit echipa cea mai bănoasă. Au câștigat campionatul în seara asta”

Ciprian Marica, sincer după Farul – FCSB 0-1: „Am întâlnit echipa cea mai bănoasă. Au câștigat campionatul în seara asta”

Farul a pierdut derby-ul cu FCSB, scor 0-1, în etapa a doua din play-off-ul SuperLigii. Deși au avut numeroase ocazii de a marca, „marinarii” s-au văzut învinși la limită chiar pe teren propriu. Ciprian Marica a avut un discurs resemnat și a anunțat că FCSB a câștigat campionatul duminică seară la Ovidiu. Ciprian Marica, sincer…

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‘Blue Velvet’ star Isabella Rossellini denies David Lynch ‘exploited’ her for the film

‘Blue Velvet’ star Isabella Rossellini denies David Lynch ‘exploited’ her for the film

“Blue Velvet” remains a cult classic and somewhat controversial film from offbeat director David Lynch, and the film’s star, Isabella Rossellini, is correcting some of the negativity connected to it. In a new interview with IndieWire, Rossellini responded to the late Roger Ebert’s one-star review of the 1986 film. “I didn’t read the reviews at…

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Bass announces more Inside Safe operations; 20 people brought inside from San Fernando Valley camp

Bass announces more Inside Safe operations; 20 people brought inside from San Fernando Valley camp

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass announced two new Inside Safe operations this weekend as part of the city’s continuing efforts to tackle large homeless encampments. On Sunday, Bass’ office said more than 20 Angelenos were brought inside from an encampment in the Shadow Hills area of the San Fernando Valley. The individuals were provided supportive…

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