‘Catastrophic levels of hunger’ in Gaza mean ‘famine is imminent’, says aid coalition

‘Catastrophic levels of hunger’ in Gaza mean ‘famine is imminent’, says aid coalition

More than a million people are at risk, according to report, as Oxfam says Israeli authorities are blocking relief deliveries Famine is imminent in northern Gaza with people already suffering “catastrophic levels of hunger”, a coalition of aid groups has warned. The situation was labelled “man-made starvation”, as the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC),…

Seattle-area community protests ‘con man’ squatter who won’t leave rental house: ‘Exploiting the system’

Seattle-area community protests ‘con man’ squatter who won’t leave rental house: ‘Exploiting the system’

Washington state landlord Jaskaran Singh is outraged by a serial squatter who owes thousands in back rent and has repeatedly thwarted eviction efforts from his rental property.  “He paid for the first month [or] two months rent and basically, after that, he’s living rent-free,” Singh told “Fox & Friends First” on Monday. The unnamed Seattle-area…

„Hai, Mourinho, găseşte-ţi echipă!”. Mircea Rednic, exasperat de fanii UTA-ei. Dezvăluiri despre scandalul din vestiar

„Hai, Mourinho, găseşte-ţi echipă!”. Mircea Rednic, exasperat de fanii UTA-ei. Dezvăluiri despre scandalul din vestiar

Mircea Rednic este exasperat de fanii UTA-ei. „Bătrâna Doamnă” s-a impus dramatic în prima etapă din play-out. Echipa lui Mircea Rednic a câştigat cu 4-3, la capătul unui meci nebun. Formaţia din Arad a marcat golul victoriei în minutul 90+6, după ce fusese egalată în minutul 90+2. Mai mult, inspiraţia lui Mircea Rednic a fost…

Is FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Ditching Prison? Lawyers Reveal Daring Next Steps

Is FTX’s Sam Bankman-Fried Ditching Prison? Lawyers Reveal Daring Next Steps

A recent court filing revealed plans that the former CEO of the defunct crypto exchange FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), had drafted to ensure he avoids jail term. SBF, whose sentencing comes up on March 28, faces the possibility of spending up to 100 years locked behind bars.  How Bankman-Fried Intended To Avoid Prison As part…

Schimbare majoră la pașaportul simplu temporar. Se va emite doar în anumite condiții

Schimbare majoră la pașaportul simplu temporar. Se va emite doar în anumite condiții

Actul normativ reglementează posibilitatea ca datele biometrice şi datele cetăţenilor români să fie preluate o singură dată de personalul consular, la misiunile diplomatice şi oficiile consulare ale României, dar să poată fi utilizate atât pentru eliberarea paşaportului simplu electronic, cât şi pentru eliberarea titlului de călătorie sau a cărţii electronice de identitate, conform solicitărilor adresate…

Two Hours by Alba Arikha review – an impassioned tale of how life pummels and reshapes us

Two Hours by Alba Arikha review – an impassioned tale of how life pummels and reshapes us

Navigating the extreme gap between a woman’s life and the one she imagined for herself, the writer’s third novel is concise, rigorous and heartbreaking “I write about families,” Natalia Ginzburg said, “because that is where everything starts, where the germs grow.” The French-born writer and musician Alba Arikha clearly agrees, and has set her brilliant…

Fast fashion crackdown bill to encourage sustainability approved by France’s lower house

Fast fashion crackdown bill to encourage sustainability approved by France’s lower house

A pioneering bill to curb the rampant pace of fast fashion won unanimous approval in the lower house of the French Parliament, making France one of the first countries worldwide to target the influx of low-cost, mass-produced garments predominantly from China. The fashion industry is among the world’s biggest producers of greenhouse gas emissions. France…

Rose Dugdale obituary

Rose Dugdale obituary

English heiress who gave away her money and joined the Provisional IRA in the 1970s On the night of 26 April 1974, 19 prized masterpieces were stolen at gunpoint from Russborough House, County Wicklow, the home of Sir Alfred Beit, a former Conservative MP and South African mining heir. The haul included paintings by Goya,…

More young people being radicalised online, says UK counter-terror officer

More young people being radicalised online, says UK counter-terror officer

Senior detective warns children are accessing extreme material as a result of lockdowns, after a 20-year-old was jailed on Monday A senior counter-terrorism officer has warned that children and young people are increasingly being radicalised online after spending long periods on the internet during the pandemic. Det Supt Andy Meeks said a growing number of…

State Machines in Practice: Implementing Solutions for Real Challenges

State Machines in Practice: Implementing Solutions for Real Challenges

If you’ve studied engineering, you’ve probably heard about State Machines. But beyond the theory, you might not have seen how they’re used. Did you know that State Machines play a role in many everyday applications? In this article, we’ll refresh our understanding of State Machines and explore their practical applications. Plus, we’ll learn how to…

Dogwifhat & Shiba Inu Lead Meme Coin Gainers on Monday as DOGE20 Raises $2M

Dogwifhat & Shiba Inu Lead Meme Coin Gainers on Monday as DOGE20 Raises $2M

The crypto market is green today as a wave of speculative buying lifted meme coins to kick off the new week. Leading the charge are dogwifhat (WIF) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), both of which have posted double-digit percentage gains. However, many traders are already looking ahead to the next potential mover, with some speculating that…

Nearly 1,000 Americans in Haiti plea for help, State Dept. says, as gangs unleash new attacks

Nearly 1,000 Americans in Haiti plea for help, State Dept. says, as gangs unleash new attacks

The State Department revealed Monday that nearly 1,000 Americans have filled out a “crisis intake form” seeking assistance in Haiti – a country it is now calling “one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world.”  State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel made the remark hours after dozens of Americans landed in Miami on a…

Croatia’s president barred from running in parliamentary election unless he resigns, court rules

Croatia’s president barred from running in parliamentary election unless he resigns, court rules

Croatia’s president can’t run for prime minister, take part in the upcoming parliamentary election or campaign in favor of an opposition party, unless he resigns immediately from his current post, according to a ruling on Monday from the country’s top court. President Zoran Milanović blasted the Constitutional Court decision, saying: “They did it in a…

ANAF va avea structuri locale

ANAF va avea structuri locale

Joi, Guvernul a adoptat o Ordonanță de Urgență care propune „măsuri pentru consolidarea capacității instituționale” a Agenției Naționale de Administrare Fiscală. Printre aceste măsuri se numără reintroducerea structurilor locale antifraudă, asemenea celor din perioada Gărzii Financiare din anii 2010. Această organizare a fost criticată la vremea respectivă de către auditorii externi, care au subliniat că…

Zajlik a munka, rövidesen aszfaltoznak Nagybaconban

Zajlik a munka, rövidesen aszfaltoznak Nagybaconban

A Nagybacon községen áthaladó megyei útszakasz jó ideje kihívást jelent a sofőröknek, Simon András polgármester szerint viszont már látni az alagút végét: az előkészületeket pár napon belül befejezik, ha a kivitelező tartja magát a megbeszéltekhez, akár már márciusban nekiláthatnak az aszfaltozásnak, valamint további két, felújítás előtt álló hídnál hozzákezdenek a munkához. Ugyanakkor egy másik községi…

New Banksy mural with a ‘green’ theme appears in London

New Banksy mural with a ‘green’ theme appears in London

A new Banksy mural drew crowds to a London street on Monday, even before the elusive graffiti artist confirmed that the work was his. The artwork in the Finsbury Park neighborhood covers the wall of a four-story building and shows a small figure holding a pressure hose beside a large cherry tree. Green paint has…

Seven men jailed after violence outside Merseyside asylum seeker hotel

Seven men jailed after violence outside Merseyside asylum seeker hotel

Group gathered outside hotel in Knowsley in February last year, chanting ‘get them out’ Seven men have been jailed for violent disorder after their involvement in “racially aggravated” trouble outside a hotel housing asylum seekers in Merseyside. Violence broke out from a large group gathered outside a hotel in the Merseyside town of Knowsley on…

Halep și-a aflat adversara de la Miami. Cu cine va juca fostul lider mondial

Halep și-a aflat adversara de la Miami. Cu cine va juca fostul lider mondial

Simona Halep și-a aflat adversara din primul tur al turneului WTA de la Miami, prima competiție la care sportiva noastră participă de la decizia TAS, care i-a redus suspendarea de la patru ani la doar nouă luni. Astfel, fostul lider mondial își va face revenirea în tenis în fața Paulei Badosa, jucătoare aflată în acest…

Câştigătorul celor 5,86 milioane de euro la Joker şi-a ridicat banii. Cine este și ce mesaj transmite

Câştigătorul celor 5,86 milioane de euro la Joker şi-a ridicat banii. Cine este și ce mesaj transmite

Câştigătorul premiului de 5,86 milioane de euro de categoria I la tragerea Joker din 14 martie s-a prezentat luni, 18 martie, la sediul Loteriei Române pentru a-și ridica câştigul, informează Loteria Română, într-un comunicat. Potrivit Loteriei Române, acesta este al doilea câştig ca valoare din istoria acestui joc. Pe lângă premiul de categoria I, posesorul…

Medicul Radu Ţincu, despre studiul care a îngrozit întreaga lume, privind plasticul din apă și mâncare. La ce boli extrem de grave suntem expuși. „Ar trebui să existe anumite reglementări”

Medicul Radu Ţincu, despre studiul care a îngrozit întreaga lume, privind plasticul din apă și mâncare. La ce boli extrem de grave suntem expuși. „Ar trebui să existe anumite reglementări”

Un studiu care a apărut în spațiul public cu privire la cât plastic ingerăm din consumul de alimente a produs îngrijorare în toată lumea. Conform concluziilor studiului realizat de cercetătorii italieni, mâncăm echivalentul în plastic al unui card bancar pe săptămână.   „Plasticul în sine este un disrupter endocrin, adică se comportă ca o substanță…

Selenium:Tool for Web Automation

Selenium:Tool for Web Automation

Introduction When it comes to topic of automation , particularly web based automation / testing, selenium is most heard word. Here, In this post we try to provide simpler explanation of what selenium is, why it is used for web automation and how it interacts with browsers. What is Selenium? Selenium is open-source automation tool…

How to do Canary Deployments on EKS

How to do Canary Deployments on EKS

Overview Testing out a new feature or upgrade in production is a challenging task. It is paramount to roll out changes frequently but without affecting the end user experience. This allows us to test the changes in real time, and the ability to quickly roll back the changes in the event of any unforeseen issues….