Travis’ Fran Healy shares Noel Gallagher’s reaction to “absolutely lifting” chords from Oasis’ ‘Wonderwall’ for ‘Writing To Reach You’

Travis’ Fran Healy shares Noel Gallagher’s reaction to “absolutely lifting” chords from Oasis’ ‘Wonderwall’ for ‘Writing To Reach You’

Travis‘ Fran Healy has shared Noel Gallagher‘s reaction to “absolutely lifting” chords from Oasis‘ ‘Wonderwall’ for ‘Writing To Reach You’. READ MORE: Travis share single ‘Gaslight’ and talk new album ‘L.A. Times’: “America is so wrapped in their own history” ‘Writing To Reach You’ appeared on Travis’ second LP, 1999’s ‘The Man Who’. The album…

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Cum se utilizează de fapt rachetele antigrindină. Fermierii consideră că sunt ineficiente

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