Kevin Hart shares the reason why he steers clear of making political jokes: ‘I understand my lane’

Kevin Hart shares the reason why he steers clear of making political jokes: ‘I understand my lane’

ke Comedian Kevin Hart shared on Sunday the reason why he doesn’t tell political jokes.  Hart was recognized at the 25th Mark Twain Prize for American Humor ceremony at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The prize, honoring performers who have inspired change in Hollywood’s comedy culture, was awarded to Hart for his contributions to…

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Pod prăbușit în Baltimore. Ce se știe despre podul Francis Scott Key, nava care l-a lovit și portul de pe coasta de est a SUA

Pod prăbușit în Baltimore. Ce se știe despre podul Francis Scott Key, nava care l-a lovit și portul de pe coasta de est a SUA

Podul Francis Scott Key din Baltimore este o importantă rută de trafic și transport pentru coasta de est a Statelor Unite și punctul de intrare în portul Baltimore. Construcția s-a prăbușit marți dimineață, după ce o navă a intrat în coliziune cu unul dintre stâlpii săi de susținere, mai multe mașini căzând în apă, notează…

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Sydney Dance Company: Ascent review – impressive triple bill brings fresh sparks of joy

Sydney Dance Company: Ascent review – impressive triple bill brings fresh sparks of joy

Linbury theatre, Royal Opera House, LondonRafael Bonachela’s beautiful choreography and Paula Levis’ striking costumes stand out in pieces ranging from a gentle voyage to stark electro intensity Twenty years ago, Rafael Bonachela was a major new talent in UK dance. A Spaniard who’d spent years dancing in London with Rambert and was making waves with…

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Rmag Breaking News

Ostern in Hamburg: Bis zu 20 Grad! T-Shirt-Wetter mit Wermutstropfen

Auf frühsommerliche 20 Grad könnten die Temperaturen am Oster-Wochenende in Hamburg klettern – T-Shirt-Wetter! Aber auf den Regenschirm sollte man beim Spaziergang lieber nicht verzichten. Angenehm mild bis warm, aber wechselhaft – so lässt sich die Wettervorhersage des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD) für das Oster-Wochenende in Hamburg zusammenfassen. „Ich kann zwar nicht durchgehend Sonne versprechen, aber…

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Suspects in shooting death of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller identified, have lengthy records

Suspects in shooting death of NYPD officer Jonathan Diller identified, have lengthy records

A New York Police Department (NYPD) source confirmed to Fox News the identities of the two suspects involved in the fatal shooting of 31-year-old NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller during a Queens traffic stop.  The suspected shooter, 34-year-old Guy Rivera, has at least four prior arrests, according to the source.  The driver of the vehicle, 41-year-old…

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Bozótosból szabadidőpark

Bozótosból szabadidőpark

A Csere erdő szomszédságában épül Marosvásárhely új szabadidőparkja, amelynek hivatalos neve Cserealja Zöld Park lesz. A város legnagyobb lakótelepén, a Tudor negyedben, a csendőrség szomszédságában hosszú évekig csak egy nagy bozótos volt, amelynek egy részét a közeli tömbházlakók számolták fel, kis kerteket alakítva ki ott. Az előző városvezetés itt egy második Víkendtelepet akart létesíteni, de…

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Rmag Breaking News

Attacco alla Russia, Mosca minaccia Kiev e i suoi alleati: “I servizi ucraini sono responsabili, presto una rappresaglia”

Il tribunale Basmannyj di Mosca ha emesso un ordine di arresto in contumacia per il capo dei servizi di sicurezza ucraini (Sbu) Vasily Malyuk con l’accusa di terrorismo. Lo riporta l’agenzia Tass. Il termine dell’arresto di Malyuk verrà calcolato dal momento della sua estradizione nel territorio della Russia o dal momento della sua detenzione in…

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TAROM-Maschine vom Blitz getroffen

TAROM-Maschine vom Blitz getroffen

Bukarest (ADZ) – Eine Flugmaschine der staatlichen Airline TAROM, die von Bukarest nach Chișinău unterwegs war, ist in der Nacht auf Montag vom Blitz getroffen worden, die Boeing 737-800NG kehrte daraufhin umgehend zum hauptstädtischen internationalen Flughafen Otopeni-Henri Coandă zurück. Zu Schaden sei trotz des Vorfalls niemand gekommen, weder Fluggäste noch Flugpersonal, doch werde das Flugzeug…

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6 killed, including 5 Chinese nationals, in northwest Pakistan suicide attack, police say

6 killed, including 5 Chinese nationals, in northwest Pakistan suicide attack, police say

A suicide bomber in northwest Pakistan rammed his explosive-laden car into a vehicle Tuesday, killing five Chinese nationals and their Pakistani driver, police and government officials said. The attack happened in Shangla, a district in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, local police chief Bakhat Zahir said. He added that the five killed were construction workers and…

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