Alți trei suspecți în cazul atentatului de la Moscova au fost arestați preventiv. Unul dintre ei deținuse mașina cu care atacatorii au fugit | FOTO

Alți trei suspecți în cazul atentatului de la Moscova au fost arestați preventiv. Unul dintre ei deținuse mașina cu care atacatorii au fugit | FOTO

Un tribunal din Moscova a dispus luni, 25 martie, ca alți trei bărbați care au legătură cu sângerosul atac de la sfârșitul săptămânii trecute asupra sălii de concerte Crocus City Hall, din apropiere de Moscova, să fie arestați preventiv, pe lângă cele patru persoane implicate direct în atentat, scrie site-ul independent de știri Mediazona, potrivit…

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Park district removes pro-Palestinian graffiti, flyers left along Naperville Riverwalk

Park district removes pro-Palestinian graffiti, flyers left along Naperville Riverwalk

Pro-Palestinian vandalism was found along the Naperville Riverwalk over the weekend. “Free Palestine” was spray-painted on a wall beneath the covered bridge near the Riverwalk’s Paddleboat Quarry, Naperville Park District Police Chief Steve Schindlbeck said. Alongside the graffiti, 22 pro-Palestine flyers were posted. Park district police confirmed the vandalism after receiving a report about 11…

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Indignación en la abogacía por las acusaciones del Defensor del Pueblo de estar detrás de las dilaciones indebidas

Indignación en la abogacía por las acusaciones del Defensor del Pueblo de estar detrás de las dilaciones indebidas

La abogacía española ha salido en bloque a rechazar y pedir una rectificación a las acusaciones con las que el Defensor del Pueblo les responsabiliza en un informe de las comunes dilaciones indebidas en el sistema judicial. En una recomendación trasladada la pasada semana por el Defensor del Pueblo al Consejo General del Poder Judicial…

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Harris meets with Guatemala’s president amid record-breaking February migrant surge

Harris meets with Guatemala’s president amid record-breaking February migrant surge

Vice President Kamala Harris‘ Monday meeting with Guatemala’s president to discuss “legal pathways” to migration comes on the heels of a Biden administration announcement that last month set a February record for illegal immigrant encounters at the U.S. southern border. White House officials said Harris and Guatemalan President Bernardo Arevalo will discuss efforts by both…

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Feds’ abusive antitrust lawsuit against Apple

Feds’ abusive antitrust lawsuit against Apple

The U.S. Department of Justice and 16 state attorneys general – including California’s – last week filed a far-reaching and dubious antitrust lawsuit against Apple accusing it of monopolizing smartphone markets. The legal action is less an indictment of Apple’s business practices and more of an indictment of the Biden administration’s anti-business philosophy – and…

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Terraform Labs In The Hot Seat: Trial Begins As Do Kwon’s Final Extradition Decision Looms

Terraform Labs In The Hot Seat: Trial Begins As Do Kwon’s Final Extradition Decision Looms

Terraform Labs is set to face a high-stakes trial on Monday, grappling with civil fraud allegations linked to the collapse of its TerraUSD stablecoin in 2022. Meanwhile, Terra co-founder Do Kwon remains in Montenegro awaiting the decision on whether he will be extradited to the United States or South Korea to face criminal charges.  Terraform…

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Cel mai bun desert de post, simplu și delicios, care nici măcar nu necesită coacere

Cel mai bun desert de post, simplu și delicios, care nici măcar nu necesită coacere

Această prăjitură este extrem de simplu de făcut. Este sănătoasă și nu conține multe calorii, are un gust foarte bun și nici nu necesită coacere. Ingredientele sunt simple, la îndemână, deloc costisitoare. Cu toate acestea, dacă știi cum să le îmbini, vei obline maximum de rezultat. Ingrediente: – 1,8-2 kg mere– 350 g biscuiți populari…

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