Alpolgármesterből polgármester lenne Len Emil Balázs Gyergyószentmiklóson

Alpolgármesterből polgármester lenne Len Emil Balázs Gyergyószentmiklóson

Amint kifejtette, az elmúlt nyolc évben lehetősége volt arra, hogy belelásson a város vezetésébe. Nem létezik olyan városrész, amelynek problémáit ne tudná, és nincs olyan elvégzett vagy elkezdett munka, amihez nem kellett volna az odaadása, hozzáállása. Olyan tapasztalatokat sikerült gyűjtenem az elmúlt években, amelyek által bátran mondhatom: teljes mértékben fel vagyok készülve arra, hogy a…

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RFK Jr racks up $1.4M debt with private security firm as Biden ignores plea for Secret Service protection

RFK Jr racks up $1.4M debt with private security firm as Biden ignores plea for Secret Service protection

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s presidential campaign racked up $1.4 million in debt to a private security firm, while the Biden administration has repeatedly denied his requests for Secret Service protection.  According to their latest filing with the Federal Election Commission on Wednesday, Kennedy’s campaign raised $3.1 million in February but spent $2.8 million that same…

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Samsung Has Plans To Launch A microLED Galaxy Watch By 2025, But Apple’s Recent Exit Spells Uncertainty Over Its Release

Samsung Has Plans To Launch A microLED Galaxy Watch By 2025, But Apple’s Recent Exit Spells Uncertainty Over Its Release

Samsung continues to make strides with microLED technology, but for the moment, the company has limited these displays to its mammoth-sized TVs, and as you can tell, these units cost a small fortune. The Korean giant is rumored to bring the same technology to a Galaxy Watch variant, with a tipster stating that its intended…

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Mark Rutte, întrebat despre Klaus Iohannis. Ce a spus despre cursa pentru șefia NATO

Mark Rutte, întrebat despre Klaus Iohannis. Ce a spus despre cursa pentru șefia NATO

Mark Rutte, premier al Olandei și candidat la funcția de secretar general al NATO, a fost întrebat de reporteri despre Klaus Iohannis, contracandidatul său în cursa pentru șefia Alianței.   Mark Rutte, despre Klaus Iohannis și cursa pentru șefia NATO   Aflat joi la Bruxelles pentru reuniunea Consiliului European, prim-ministrul olandez a fost întrebat de…

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Carlos Martinez va veni săptămâna viitoare la București: „Simona are multă personalitate, un caracter puternic și știe exact ce vrea”

Carlos Martinez va veni săptămâna viitoare la București: „Simona are multă personalitate, un caracter puternic și știe exact ce vrea”

Noul antrenor al Simonei Halep, spaniolul Carlos Martinez, 49 de ani, a vorbit despre viitoarea colaborare cu dubla campioană de Grand Slam, de ceea ce își propun în perioada următoare, când vor începe să lucreze efectiv împreună. Simona Halep, 32 de ani, nu putea rămâne fără antrenor, acum că a revenit în circuit, odată ce…

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US pushes India to reverse laptop trade policy, says they will ‘think twice’ about future business

US pushes India to reverse laptop trade policy, says they will ‘think twice’ about future business

India reversed a laptop licensing policy after behind-the-scenes lobbying by U.S. officials, who however remain concerned about New Delhi’s compliance with WTO obligations and new rules it may issue, according to U.S. trade officials and government emails seen by Reuters. In August, India imposed rules requiring firms like Apple, Dell and HP to obtain licences…

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