Staţiunea din România în care creşte alga ulva, hrana viitorului. „Am putea spune că este o minune”

Staţiunea din România în care creşte alga ulva, hrana viitorului. „Am putea spune că este o minune”

Puțini români știu că în România crește o specie de algă, considerată hrană a viitorului. Este vorba despre Algele Ulva care cresc în lacul Ursu din staţiunea Sovata. Algele Ulva cresc din abundență în stațiunea Sovata Potrivit cercetătorilor, aceste alge sunt pline de vitamine.  Aceste alge cresc foarte rapid şi sunt considerate unul dintre nutrienţii…

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Vier-Tage-Woche: Linke stellt Konzept vor

Vier-Tage-Woche: Linke stellt Konzept vor

Vier Tage arbeiten, aber für fünf Tage Gehalt bekommen? Klingt verlockend. Die Linke will das nun vorantreiben – zuerst im öffentlichen Dienst. Bei der Umsetzung einer generellen Vier-Tage-Arbeitswoche in Deutschland sollte aus Sicht der Linken der öffentliche Dienst eine Vorreiterrolle einnehmen. „Die Regierung muss eingreifen und die Arbeitszeit zügig mit vollem Lohnausgleich reduzieren. Denkbar ist…

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Just a sophomore, Louisville-bound TJ McQuillan turns into tough out for Mount Carmel. ‘Only going to get better.’

Just a sophomore, Louisville-bound TJ McQuillan turns into tough out for Mount Carmel. ‘Only going to get better.’

Before he even played a baseball game at Mount Carmel, TJ McQuillan had a reputation as a highly touted prospect who already had his college plans locked up. McQuillan committed to Louisville shortly before his freshman season last year. That provided some major motivation for opponents to get him out. Now a sophomore infielder/outfielder, McQuillan…

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Trump trials live: judge could set new date in hush money case as deadline looms to pay $454m bond in fraud case

Trump trials live: judge could set new date in hush money case as deadline looms to pay $454m bond in fraud case

Donald Trump expected to appear in New York court for Stormy Daniels hearing; New York attorney general could start seizing properties if bond isn’t paid Trump expected in court for hush-money case Donald Trump is this morning doing what he does: raging on Truth Social about the latest developments in his rollercoaster of a career…

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Aragonès responde a las críticas sobre su propuesta de financiación: no es un “privilegio”, es una “obligación”

Aragonès responde a las críticas sobre su propuesta de financiación: no es un “privilegio”, es una “obligación”

El Govern que lidera Pere Aragonès lleva una semana aguantado las críticas a su propuesta de financiación “singular para Cataluña”. Tanto los responsables de las carteras económicas del Gobierno central como los socialistas, los barones autonómicos y expertos en Hacienda califican de inviable e insolidario el modelo diseñado por la Generalitat, inspirado en el concierto…

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Rmag Breaking News

Franța amendează Google pentru încălcarea normelor UE privind proprietatea intelectuală

Autoritatea pentru concurenţă din Franţa a emis o amendă usturătoare de 250 de milioane de euro împotriva gigantului tech Google. Franța acuză gigantul tech de încălcarea normelor UE privind proprietatea intelectuală în relaţiile sale cu editorii media, conform The Guardian. Motivul principal al amenzii este legat de modelul de inteligenţă artificială dezvoltat de Google, cunoscut…

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Rmag Breaking News

Retele Electrice to complete the modernization of the Obor and Filaret transformer stations in Bucharest by year-end

Retele Electrice Muntenia aims to complete the modernization of the Obor and Filaret transformer stations in Bucharest by the end of 2024. “Most of our transformer stations are already modernized. By the end of the year, we will complete the last two stations in Bucharest: Obor and Filaret. In the Muntenia region, over 95 percent…

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Ansible Copy Module

Ansible Copy Module

Introduction We’ll examine Ansible, discussing its importance, and then focus on the Ansible copy module. Through examples, we’ll demonstrate its typical usage scenarios. Steps to be covered: What is Ansible? What is Ansible Copy Module? Functionality When to use Ansible Copy? Ansible copy module examples Copying Files from Local to Remote Copying Files and Directories…

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