Newsom’s office dismisses report saying California not on pace to meet 2030 emissions mandate

Newsom’s office dismisses report saying California not on pace to meet 2030 emissions mandate

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office is dismissing a new report saying the Golden State will fail to meet its climate change mandates unless it nearly triples its rate of reduction of greenhouse gases through 2030. The analysis by Beacon Economics, an L.A.-based economic research firm, found that California’s emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and other…

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The cultural division of football fans only serves those who wish to exploit it | Jonathan Liew

The cultural division of football fans only serves those who wish to exploit it | Jonathan Liew

The battle between ‘true fans’ and ‘plastics’ weakens the ties between supporters and their inclination to unite and organise Leaving early is a bit of a red flag. Booing your own players, obviously. Wearing a half-and-half scarf, purchasing a half-and-half scarf, expressing any opinion of a half-and-half scarf short of pathological hatred: forget it. Fake…

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Men enthusiastically express their heterosexuality in Ghana, so why is being queer so unacceptable? |  Elliot Kwabena Akosa

Men enthusiastically express their heterosexuality in Ghana, so why is being queer so unacceptable? | Elliot Kwabena Akosa

Ghana is the latest state to suppress LGBTQ people, calling us un-African. But the ‘traditional culture’ they seek to protect was imposed by colonialism In the past 10 years, Ghana has transitioned from indifference towards LGBTQ+ people to outright hostility. The human sexual rights and family values bill doubles down on the banning of gay…

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How to Read a PDF File in Python

How to Read a PDF File in Python

In today’s digital age, PDF (Portable Document Format) files have become a worldwide format for sharing documents. PDFs are the go-to choice for preserving document formatting across different platforms whether it’s an academic paper, a legal contract, or an annual report. However, working with PDFs programmatically, especially in Python, can sometimes be challenging. IronPDF simplifies…

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Rugăciunea pe care să o rostești în fiecare seară din postul Paștelui: atrage norocul în casă

Rugăciunea pe care să o rostești în fiecare seară din postul Paștelui: atrage norocul în casă

Pentru armonie în casă, noroc și belșug credincioșii trebuie să rostească, seară de seară, rugăciunea Sfântului Efrem Sirul. “Doamne si Stapanul vietii mele, duhul trandaviei, al grijii de multe, al iubirii de stapanire si al grairii in desert nu mi-l da mie (1 metanie). Iar duhul curatiei, al gandului smerit, al rabdarii si al dragostei,…

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