The Illusion of Expertise: A Critique of Modern E-Learning’s Superficial Certificates

The Illusion of Expertise: A Critique of Modern E-Learning’s Superficial Certificates

Introduction E-learning has changed the game. Nowadays, anyone with a good internet connection thinks they can learn anything. And they’re not wrong—to an extent. Here’s the catch, though. The market is absolutely flooded with certified programmers. Too many for the few jobs out there. Recruiters keep adding more and more to the list of required…

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Gilles Kepel : “L’Iran est dans une situation de faiblesse face à Israël”

Gilles Kepel : “L’Iran est dans une situation de faiblesse face à Israël”

C’est un tournant – un de plus – au Moyen-Orient. En tirant dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche plus de 300 drones et missiles, l’Iran a, pour la première fois, cherché à frapper directement Israël sur son territoire. Auteur d’Holocaustes (Plon), essai qui analyse l’engrenage de violence déclenché par le 7 octobre, Gilles Kepel évoque pour…

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Biden i-a spus lui Netanyahu că SUA nu vor participa la un contraatac împotriva Iranului

Biden i-a spus lui Netanyahu că SUA nu vor participa la un contraatac împotriva Iranului

Președintele Joe Biden i-a spus premierului israelian Benjamin Netanyahu, în timpul unui apel de sâmbătă, că SUA nu vor sprijini niciun contraatac israelian împotriva Iranului, a declarat un oficial înalt de la Casa Albă pentru Axios. Mesajul lui Biden, în urma atacului iranian Biden și consilierii săi sunt foarte îngrijorați că un răspuns israelian la…

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RMAG news

What is Pointer?

A pointer is a variable that stores the memory address of another variable. In JavaScript, pointers are often abstracted away, but they are still used behind the scenes to manage memory and references to objects or arrays. Here are some key points about pointers: Types of Pointers: Null Pointer: A pointer that doesn’t point to…

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