Revealed: hundreds of vulnerable children sent to illegal and unregulated care homes in England

Revealed: hundreds of vulnerable children sent to illegal and unregulated care homes in England

Observer investigation finds that private companies made £105m despite not being registered with Ofsted Hundreds of extremely vulnerable school-age children in England are being sent to illegal, unregulated homes every year because of a chronic shortage of places in secure local authority units. An Observer investigation has established that councils placed 706 children, the majority…

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Incendiu la un bloc din București. Doi oameni au murit, alți trei au fost duși la spital. Pompierii au intervenit cu 8 autospeciale

Incendiu la un bloc din București. Doi oameni au murit, alți trei au fost duși la spital. Pompierii au intervenit cu 8 autospeciale

Un incendiu a izbucnit sâmbătă, 13 aprilie, la un bloc cu opt etaje de pe Bulevardul 1 Decembrie 1918, din București, în urma căruia au murit două persoane, aflate la etajul 7. Prima dată a fost anunțat decesul unui bărbat de 57 de ani, carbonizat, apoi decesul unei femei de 73 de ani, intoxicată cu…

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RMAG news

Manage project dependencies correctly

Choosing npm packages Suppose you need to select a library, and you already know the requirements for which you are searching for this library. Here’s what to consider when making the final decision: Bundle size. – Compare the bundle size of each package using Over engineering. – Evaluate how much unnecessary functionality this package…

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