Acuzații grave la adresa Codruței Kovesi: Motivele ascunse pentru care a preluat dosarul vaccinurilor

Acuzații grave la adresa Codruței Kovesi: Motivele ascunse pentru care a preluat dosarul vaccinurilor

 Fostul premier aduce acuzații grave la adresa lui Kovesi și spune că procurorul șef european își plătește funcția prin manipularea cercetărilor. Declarațiile lui Victor Ponta au venit după ce Dacian Cioloș a dezvăluit în emisiunea Culisele Statului Paralel că a ajutat-o pe Kovesi să obțină funcția.  „Are o sarcină foarte importantă, a preluat dosarul cu…

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RMAG news

6 security advancements that Plang offers for the user

Plang, a new natural language programming language, introduces several key security improvements to address common vulnerabilities and enhance data protection. Here are 6 significant security advancements that Plang offers. 1. Built-in Security Mechanisms: Plang is designed with security as a foundational element, not an afterthought. The architecture and design principals prevent a range of common…

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RMAG news

Overcoming Challenges in Many-to-Many Relationships: A Guide for Building Robust Applications

Building applications with complex relationships between entities is a common challenge in software development. One particular hurdle developers often face is managing many-to-many relationships effectively. In this guide, we’ll explore a common issue and how to overcome it with practical examples. Understanding Many-to-Many Relationships Many-to-many relationships occur when entities from one group can be related…

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Beautiful weekend ahead

Beautiful weekend ahead

Milder temperatures and calmer conditions are with us as we start the weekend. Warm weather will continue through the weekend. Parts of northwest New Mexico will see a slight drop in high temperatures, but southeast New Mexico could climb into the 90s by Sunday. Winds today and Sunday will be lighter than what we saw…

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Ana Mena presenta su nuevo single “La Razón”: “A partir de este van a venir un montón de canciones seguidas”

Ana Mena presenta su nuevo single “La Razón”: “A partir de este van a venir un montón de canciones seguidas”

Este viernes 12 de abril tuvo lugar uno de los eventos más importantes en el panorama musical Español. Desde hace años el Primavera Pop se ha convertido en una muestra imprescindible para ver cuáles serán las próximas tendencias de la música española. Con Ana Mena como cabeza de cartel su aparición en la alfombra roja…

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