Our leaders seem determined to give war a chance. Their thirst for conflict endangers us all | Jeremy Corbyn

Our leaders seem determined to give war a chance. Their thirst for conflict endangers us all | Jeremy Corbyn

We seek peace in Gaza, Ukraine, Yemen, Sudan, the DRC and elsewhere, but we’re ignored. History will damn the warmongers “The protagonists of 1914 were sleepwalkers, watchful but unseeing, haunted by dreams, yet blind to the reality of the horror they were about to bring into the world.” Christopher Clark’s The Sleepwalkers retells the story…

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Jewish Columbia students denounce campus ‘anarchy’ as rabbi warns them to leave

Jewish Columbia students denounce campus ‘anarchy’ as rabbi warns them to leave

Jewish students at New York’s Columbia University told Fox News on Monday that campus is increasingly unsafe during ongoing anti-Israel protests and that some plan to heed the call of one prominent rabbi who warned them to leave during Passover. Xavier Westergaard, a Ph.D. student at the Morningside Heights campus, told “America Reports” the university…

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