Hipgnosis Song Management Fires Back at Songs Fund Board: ‘Will Vigorously Protect [Our] Interests’

Hipgnosis Song Management Fires Back at Songs Fund Board: ‘Will Vigorously Protect [Our] Interests’

Hipgnosis Song Management (HSM), the investment advisor for the troubled music royalty fund Hipgnosis Songs Fund that has come under scrutiny for its handling of accounting issues, released a statement Monday (April 22) saying it has “repeatedly been blamed for many issues affecting the [Songs Fund] which were not HSM’s responsibility” and that it “will…

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Poland ‘ready’ to host NATO members’ nuclear weapons to counter Russia, president says

Poland ‘ready’ to host NATO members’ nuclear weapons to counter Russia, president says

Poland’s president says the NATO member would be ready to host the nuclear weapons of the military alliance’s other members in response to Russia’s moving its nuclear weapons to neighboring Belarus. President Andrzej Duda made the comments in an interview published Monday in the Fakt tabloid. POLISH PRESIDENT PUSHES NATO ALLIES TOWARD HIGHER DEFENSE SPENDING…

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20 years after death, Pat Tillman still inspires those who knew him well — and many he never met

20 years after death, Pat Tillman still inspires those who knew him well — and many he never met

Leland High led 35-0 at halftime and coach Terry Hardtke figured enough was enough. Pat Tillman had scored four touchdowns on offense and was dominating defensively in a Central Coast Section playoff game against Andrew Hill. Hardtke told Tillman he was done for the day. “I said, ‘No offense, no defense,’” Hardtke recalled. “He gave…

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Copying Crypto? New York Stock Exchange May Enable 24/7 Trading

Copying Crypto? New York Stock Exchange May Enable 24/7 Trading

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) has released a survey questioning market participants about round-the-clock stock trading, signaling potential interest in opening its trading venue beyond traditional market hours. The update would bring the stock exchange up to date with today’s major cryptocurrency exchanges, which operate at all hours including weekends. All Hours Stock Trading…

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Două filme româneşti, selectate la Festivalul de la Cannes 2024: Documentarul „Nasty” și filmul „Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii”

Două filme româneşti, selectate la Festivalul de la Cannes 2024: Documentarul „Nasty” și filmul „Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii”

Documentarul „Nasty”, despre viața şi cariera tenismenului român Ilie Năstase, și filmul „Trei kilometri până la capătul lumii” au fost incluse în selecţia celei de-a 77-a ediţii a Festivalului Internaţional de Film de la Cannes, care va avea loc între 14 şi 25 mai, transmite Agerpres. Documentarul „Nasty”, regizat de Tudor Giurgiu, Cristian Pascariu şi Tudor…

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