Alexandru Rafila, după scandalul Cîrstoiu: „Vreau să găsim o soluție legislativă”

Alexandru Rafila, după scandalul Cîrstoiu: „Vreau să găsim o soluție legislativă”

Ministrul sănătăţii, Alexandru Rafila, a declarat joi că vrea să găsească o soluţie legislativă care să reglementeze situațiile în care pacienții sunt direcționați de la stat către clinicile private, relatează Reacția ministrului vine după dezvăluirile legate de cazul doctorului Cătălin Cîrstoiu, fost candidat al alianței PSD-PNL la Primăria Capitalei și manager al unui spital…

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RMAG news

Handling Disabled User Accounts in Firebase Authentication

At, we’ve accrued substantial experience in Web development across our journey, creating over 30 applications utilizing technologies such as Next.js and Firebase. Our encounters with Firebase especially, have deepened our understanding of essential security features crucial for maintaining robust user management systems. Today, we’ll dissect an intriguing piece of code designed for handling disabled…

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Ariel Kalil: Multigenerational households are key to better support for kids of single mothers

Ariel Kalil: Multigenerational households are key to better support for kids of single mothers

Decades of research show that on average, children who grow up with parents who are not married and living together have worse achievement and behavioral and well-being outcomes than children of two-parent homes. Despite this evidence, rates of nonmarital childbearing have risen dramatically in the U.S., especially among the noncollege-educated. What then can be done…

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