Romanian developer River Development appoints Oana Rădulea as managing partner

Romanian developer River Development appoints Oana Rădulea as managing partner

Local real estate developer River Development announced the appointment of Oana Rădulea as a new managing partner. She assumed the new position in January 2024, taking over the company’s executive management from the former executive director, Liviu Birău. Oana Rădulea has over 21 years of experience in the local and international real estate development industry….

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Percival Everett’s new book ‘James’ revisits ‘Huckleberry Finn.’ He won’t tell you how to read it.

Percival Everett’s new book ‘James’ revisits ‘Huckleberry Finn.’ He won’t tell you how to read it.

I’ve had difficult interviews before. I’ve interviewed Lou Reed, who may be the most notoriously difficult interview subject of the past half century. (It went badly.) I once walked out of an interview with John Cusack because he seemed pointlessly combative and I was poorly prepared. I’ve had pleasant conversationalists who call minutes before deadline…

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World Athletics’ cash for Paris Olympics medals creates problem, says BOA chief

World Athletics’ cash for Paris Olympics medals creates problem, says BOA chief

Andy Anson is latest to question ending 128-year traditionFrance sticks by River Seine opening ceremony plan World Athletics has created a problem by announcing that gold medallists at the Paris Olympics will receive cash prizes, according to the head of the British Olympic Association. Criticism has followed World Athletics president Sebastian Coe’s pledge to pay…

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Motivul pentru care un bărbat din Timiș a zgâriat intenționat 22 de mașini de pe o stradă din Sibiu / A fost prins și imobilizat de proprietari

Motivul pentru care un bărbat din Timiș a zgâriat intenționat 22 de mașini de pe o stradă din Sibiu / A fost prins și imobilizat de proprietari

Un bărbat de 34 de ani, din Timiș, a zgâriat 22 de mașini de pe o stradă din municipiul Sibiu cu un obiect ascuțit, fiind nemulțumit că acestea erau parcate pe trotuar și încurcau trecerea pietonilor, transmite Turnul Sfatului.   A zgâriat mașinile intenționat   Când au observat că au mașinile zgâriate, proprietarii în cauză…

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