EU leaders mull tougher sanctions against Iran at a summit as Zelenskyy pleads for more support

EU leaders mull tougher sanctions against Iran at a summit as Zelenskyy pleads for more support

BRUSSELS (AP) — European Union leaders debated ways to ramp up sanctions against Iran at a summit on Wednesday as concern grows that Tehran’s unprecedented attack on Israel could fuel a wider war in the Middle East. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reminded the gathering that his country still badly needs support to combat Russia’s invasion….

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Selenium and AI: UI Validations with AI

Selenium and AI: UI Validations with AI

Automated UI testing has long been a staple in ensuring that web applications meet design and functionality standards. Traditional methods, such as using Selenium, involve interacting with the UI through specific code tied to the structure of the webpage. However, a new AI-driven method using Tools4AI is changing the game by allowing us to translate…

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