RMAG news

The Dark Arts of Material-UI: Styling React Apps Fast

Harnessing the power of Material-UI can transform the way you style React applications, offering a swift and cohesive approach to implementing a consistent design system. As a seasoned React developer, I’ve delved deep into the art of leveraging Material-UI’s robust component library to accelerate development and maintain design consistency without sacrificing flexibility. Material-UI provides a…

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Securing the Cloud #27

Securing the Cloud #27

Welcome to the 27th edition of the Securing the Cloud Newsletter! In this issue, we dive into the latest trends and insights in cloud security, explore career development opportunities, and share valuable learning resources. Additionally, we feature insightful perspectives from our community members. This weeks edition is focused on Data Security and Cryptography. Is that…

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Cum va fi transformat complexul Bisericii Evanghelice Fortificate din Biertan, unul dintre monumentele spectaculoase din Transilvania. „Turiștii vor putea experimenta activități autentice, interactive”

Cum va fi transformat complexul Bisericii Evanghelice Fortificate din Biertan, unul dintre monumentele spectaculoase din Transilvania. „Turiștii vor putea experimenta activități autentice, interactive”

Biertanul, unul dintre cele mai frumoase sate din Transilvania, va fi transformat radical cu ajutorul fondurilor europene. Impunătorul ansamblu al Bisericii Evanghelice Fortificate, edificiu medieval inclus în patrimoniul UNESCO, va deveni și mai atractiv pentru zecile de mii de turiști care vizitează localitatea din județul Sibiu în fiecare an.  Proiectul vizează transformarea radicală a întregii…

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Mehrheit hat noch keine KI genutzt

Mehrheit hat noch keine KI genutzt

Die Meinungen zu Künstlicher Intelligenz sind gespalten. Für einige überwiegen die Chancen, viele sehen aber auch die Risiken. Ob und wie KI genutzt wird, ist noch sehr unterschiedlich. Jede Dritte in Deutschland sieht einer Umfrage zufolge beim Thema Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) vor allem die Risiken. 30 Prozent der gut 2000 Befragten gaben an, dass für…

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Deploying Bokeh Dashboard with Python on VPS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Deploying Bokeh Dashboard with Python on VPS: A Step-by-Step Guide

Bokeh Bokeh is an open-source Python library for creating interactive, web-based visualizations and dashboards. It provides high-performance statistical and scientific computing capabilities, making it particularly useful for data analysis and exploration. Interactive Plots: Bokeh allows you to create highly customizable and interactive plots, such as line plots, scatter plots, bar charts, and more. Dashboard Applications:…

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