RMAG news

✍️Testing in Storybook

Introduction Storybook provides an environment where you can build components in isolation, and checking edge case UI states became easier with Storybook. What’s more, you can write tests in Storybook. Also, testing environment comes with zero configuration. Aren’t you excited? In this post, I will talk about what made me start testing in Storybook, how…

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Marcel Ciolacu, vizită în Emiratele Arabe Unite. Premierul vrea să atragă investiții emirateze în România

Marcel Ciolacu, vizită în Emiratele Arabe Unite. Premierul vrea să atragă investiții emirateze în România

Prim-ministrul Marcel Ciolacu, liderul PSD, efectuează o vizită în Emiratele Arabe Unite, joi și vineri, iar Guvernul României a menționat că un obiectiv important al deplasării este consolidarea componentei economice, cu accent pe atragerea investițiilor emirateze, transmite Agerpres.   Marcel Ciolacu, vizită în EAU, joi și vineri   „Consolidarea componentei economice, cu accent pe atragerea…

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Netflix’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ trailer teases first ever adaptation of literary masterpiece

Netflix’s ‘One Hundred Years of Solitude’ trailer teases first ever adaptation of literary masterpiece

The teaser trailer for One Hundred Years of Solitude has arrived, giving us a glimpse at the first official screen adaptation of Nobel Prize winning author Gabriel García Márquez’s magnum opus. One Hundred Years of Solitude follows the Buendía family in Macondo, a fictional Colombian town founded by their patriarch Jose Arcadio Buendía (Marco González)….

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RMAG news

The Implication of AI in Crypto Trading

The effects of AI and related technologies cannot be ignored. AI has successfully brought to life what many people wouldn’t believe. This has led to far-reaching implications in various sectors. The crypto market is among the industries greatly affected by AI. The introduction of artificial intelligence into crypto trading has changed how these digital assets…

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