Notele dinamoviștilor în victoria cu Csikszereda » Dennis Politic și restul lumii! Cât a luat eroul lui Dinamo și cum s-au mișcat ceilalți „câini”

Notele dinamoviștilor în victoria cu Csikszereda » Dennis Politic și restul lumii! Cât a luat eroul lui Dinamo și cum s-au mișcat ceilalți „câini”

Dinamo a făcut, luni seara, un pas important spre menținerea în Superligă. „Câinii” au învins Csikszereda, 2-0, și mai au de navigat încă 90 de minute pentru a-și securiza locul în prima ligă. Dennis Politic a fost MVP-ul indiscutabil al roș-albilor „dubla” acestuia tranșând turul contra ciucanilor. Implicați pentru al treilea sezon la rând într-un…

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Matthew McConaughey, Camila Alves turn heads as they leave their pants at home to play croquet: ‘Clever’

Matthew McConaughey, Camila Alves turn heads as they leave their pants at home to play croquet: ‘Clever’

Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves are at it again. While promoting their joint venture, Pantalones Tequila, the married couple posed in sports gear — and without a crucial part of their outfits.  Alves wore a white collared button-up shirt with an orange patterned sweater vest over it, and McConaughey opted for a three-piece brown suit…

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RMAG news

Anabela Rodrigues, eurodeputada do Bloco de Esquerda, visitou a Casa do Passal

A eurodeputada e candidata às Eleições Europeias pelo Bloco de Esquerda Anabela Rodrigues e o candidato Santiago Mbanda Lima, acompanhados por membros da distrital de Viseu, visitaram hoje as obras de requalificação da Casa do Passal, que integrará o Museu de Aristides de Sousa Mendes. O conteúdo Anabela Rodrigues, eurodeputada do Bloco de Esquerda, visitou…

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EPA warns of increasing cyberattacks on water systems, urges utilities to take immediate action

EPA warns of increasing cyberattacks on water systems, urges utilities to take immediate action

Cyberattacks against water utilities across the country are becoming more frequent and more severe, the Environmental Protection Agency warned Monday as it issued an enforcement alert urging water systems to take immediate actions to protect the nation’s drinking water. About 70% of utilities inspected by federal officials over the last year violated standards meant to…

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Don’t expect body horror: The Shrouds reviews paint David Cronenberg’s latest as a somber exploration of grief

Don’t expect body horror: The Shrouds reviews paint David Cronenberg’s latest as a somber exploration of grief

David Cronenberg’s The Shrouds recently premiered at the Cannes Film Festival, and the reviews have begun to emerge. The film follows a businessman and grieving widower who invents a controversial technology known as Gravetech that allows families to see inside the graves of their loved ones as they decompose. Although known as the master of…

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LeetCode Meditations: Word Search

LeetCode Meditations: Word Search

The description for Word Search is: Given an m x n grid of characters board and a string word, return true if word exists in the grid. The word can be constructed from letters of sequentially adjacent cells, where adjacent cells are horizontally or vertically neighboring. The same letter cell may not be used more…

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