‘Pieces of car floating in my pool’: Albuquerque family shares about backyard crash

‘Pieces of car floating in my pool’: Albuquerque family shares about backyard crash

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – An Albuquerque family is left with car parts in their backyard after another crash on a street that’s well-known for speeding drivers.

Debris and destruction: That’s what’s left at Jaclyn Broderick’s family home off Montgomery after a dangerous surprise Saturday night.

“The police contacted me on my Ring device outside. They told me that a big chunk of backyard was exposed because there was an accident,” said Broderick.

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Firefighters told Broderick a speeding car smashed through her home’s backyard cinder block wall.

“The fire department did comment that they believe they were going 90 miles an hour.”

Fortunately, the family with three kids was out of town when it happened. Some blocks smashed through windows, including one that landed on the family room couch.

“There was bunch of car debris in the pool and window glass everywhere in the house. It honestly looked like a bomb went off,” said Knathan Savage.

While they took a car bumper out of their pool, there’s still more to clean up.

“There’s oil and gasoline and antifreeze and pieces of car floating in my pool still,” explained Broderick.

Broderick noted there used to a nearby speed camera on Montgomery that was moved to another location.

“I feel like if there was a camera there, at least we would be able to see the incident, and also, those people would be held accountable for driving fast on Montgomery,” stated Broderick.

Awaiting repairs, Broderick hopes the crash is a wake-up call on a road she thinks more traffic enforcement is needed.

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“If something was done, whether it’s someone patrolling Montgomery Boulevard or some speed cameras, [they would be able] to hold people accountable,” said Broderick.

KRQE hasn’t heard back from Albuquerque police about if anyone has been arrested or charged in connection to the crash.

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