Postmortem: A Guide to Learning from Failure

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In the world of software development, postmortems are a crucial step in ensuring that we learn from our mistakes and improve our processes. A postmortem is a detailed analysis of a project or incident that identifies what went wrong, what went right, and what we can do better next time. In this blog, we will explore the importance of postmortems, how to conduct a successful postmortem, and provide a template to help you get started.
Why Postmortems Matter
Postmortems are essential for several reasons:

Learning from Failure: Postmortems help us identify the root causes of failures and provide actionable steps to prevent them from happening again.
Improving Processes: By analyzing what went well and what didn’t, we can refine our processes and make them more efficient.
Enhancing Communication: Postmortems promote open communication among team members, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals.

Conducting a Successful Postmortem

To conduct a successful postmortem, follow these steps:

Schedule the Meeting: Schedule the postmortem meeting as close to the project’s completion as possible.
Prepare the Agenda: Create an agenda that includes the following sections:
What Went Well: Identify the strengths and successes of the project.
What Went Wrong: Identify the challenges and failures of the project.
Lessons Learned: Document the lessons learned from the project.
Action Items: Create a list of actionable steps to improve future projects.
Prepare the Team: Ensure that all team members are prepared for the meeting by providing them with a survey or questionnaire to fill out beforehand. This helps to gather their thoughts and opinions on the project.
Conduct the Meeting: Lead the meeting with a positive and objective mindset. Encourage open communication and ensure that everyone has a chance to share their thoughts and opinions.
Document the Meeting: Take detailed notes during the meeting and ensure that all action items are documented.

Postmortem Template

Here is a template you can use to conduct a successful postmortem: What Went Well

What were the core strengths of this project team?
What were the biggest weaknesses of this team?
Did we get the why? If no, why?

What Went Wrong

What were the biggest challenges faced during the project?
What were the most significant failures or setbacks?
What could we have done differently?

Lessons Learned

What did we learn from this project?
What would we do differently next time?
What are the key takeaways from this project?

Action Items

What are the actionable steps we can take to improve future projects?
What are the key changes we need to make to our processes?
What are the key skills or knowledge we need to acquire?

Here is an example of a postmortem i did as part of my project:

Postmortem: Outage of the E-commerce Website

Issue Summary

On June 7, 2024, at 10:45 AM UTC, our e-commerce website experienced an outage that lasted for approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes until it was fully restored at 1:00 PM UTC. The outage affected 30% of our users, causing them to experience slow loading times and occasional errors when attempting to place orders. The root cause of the outage was a misconfigured database connection.

*10:45 AM UTC*: The issue was detected by our monitoring system, which alerted our DevOps team to a sudden spike in database query times.
*10:50 AM UTC*: The DevOps team investigated the issue, initially suspecting a high traffic volume due to a recent marketing campaign. They checked the server logs and monitored the database performance.
*11:15 AM UTC*: The team escalated the issue to the database administration team, assuming it was a database performance issue.
*11:30 AM UTC*: The database administration team investigated the issue, but their initial findings did not indicate any performance issues.
*12:15 PM UTC*: The DevOps team re-investigated the issue, this time focusing on the database connection configuration. They discovered a misconfigured database connection that was causing the slow query times.
*1:00 PM UTC*: The issue was resolved by updating the database connection configuration and restarting the database service.

Root Cause and Resolution

The root cause of the outage was a misconfigured database connection. This misconfiguration caused the database to take longer to respond to queries, resulting in slow loading times and occasional errors for users. The issue was resolved by updating the database connection configuration and restarting the database service. This ensured that the database was properly connected and queries were processed efficiently.

Corrective and Preventative Measures

To prevent similar outages in the future, we will:

Improve Database Connection Configuration: Regularly review and update database connection configurations to ensure they are properly set up.
Enhance Monitoring: Implement additional monitoring to detect potential issues earlier, such as monitoring database query times and connection configurations.
Database Performance Optimization: Regularly optimize database performance to prevent slow query times.
Database Connection Testing: Implement automated testing for database connections to detect misconfiguration.
Documentation: Update documentation to include detailed instructions for configuring database connections.

By implementing these measures, we can reduce the likelihood of similar outages and ensure a smoother user experience for our customers.


The outage of our e-commerce website on June 7, 2024, was caused by a misconfiguration in the database connection. The issue was detected by our monitoring system and resolved by updating the database connection configuration and restarting the database service. To prevent similar outages in the future, we will improve database connection configuration, enhance monitoring, optimize database performance, implement automated testing for database connections, and update documentation.