Rish!’s bargain-basement manifesto offers anything you want if you just vote Tory | John Crace

Rish!’s bargain-basement manifesto offers anything you want if you just vote Tory | John Crace

Don’t like foreigners? Flights to Rwanda would start in July. Don’t like the ECHR? We could rip up international treaties

Round and round in circles. The wheels coming off. Skid marks everywhere. Crashing out at the first corner. Getting lapped. Stalled at the start. The pits. Burning up fossil fuels. Mired in sex scandals. You can write your own jokes here.

Someone in Conservative headquarters must really have it in for Rishi Sunak. Either that or Isaac Levido and James Forsyth are secret Labour stooges. Why else would the Tories have chosen Silverstone as the venue for their manifesto launch? Surely someone must have foreseen what was coming. Or maybe everyone is now just along for the rollercoaster ride. Leaning into the mother of all car crashes.

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