sunday prompt #1 – memory swap

RMAG news

One goal of this list is to assist traditional writers in crafting interactive narratives.

Taking advantage of the serene Sundays, I’d like to propose prompts specifically designed for this purpose.

If my creativity permits, starting today, I’ll post a prompt every Sunday.

If you’re interested, let me know; and if you find it boring, feel free to say so 🙂

You’re free to interpret this prompt however you like.

Create an interactive short story, a visual novel, or anything else you can think of.

All I ask is that if you use the prompt, share your work with me. Whether it’s finished or not doesn’t matter; I’d love to know if this is helpful.

Memory Swap : The protagonist has the ability to swap memories with others. Each exchange alters what they know, affecting their relationships and options in future interactions.

There you go.

Now, get writing! 🙂

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