Tailwindcss Studio truly become friends with developers

RMAG news

Hello everyone, we are the Tailwindcss Studio team.

Tailwindcss Studio is a visual tool dedicated to developers for quickly building pages based on Tailwind CSS.

At present, we are still a small and nascent team, but our goals are not small.

Our ultimate goal is to be the most user-friendly and efficient development experience in the industry.

At the same time, we are also a different kind of team. We will operate this product in an open and sincere manner.

Truly becoming good friends with developers.

Based on the above principles, we will take action in the following areas:

Rapid iteration with weekly updates.
Sharing the thoughts and summaries from product design and development in the form of articles on social media.
Inviting developers to jointly decide the future direction of the product.
Responding to every community issue.
Focusing on serving developers well, with efficiency and ease of use as our guiding principles.

We sincerely invite you to join the community, to provide feedback on usage issues and real pain points. We will respond and improve at the fastest speed possible.

Let’s embark on a magical journey together.

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