Talking Heads Unite on ‘The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon,’ Discuss Genre Labels, Recording LPs in Different Locations and More

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Last night, Talking Heads, David Byrne, Tina Weymouth, Chris Frantz and Jerry Harrison stopped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. During the televised appearance, the foursome discussed their shared history with the late-night host while also touching on the Stop Making Sense concert film, the resulting tribute LP, the use of the genre label “New Wave” to wrack up more radio plays, and recording each album in a new location. 

To start the interview, Fallon proposed Talking Head’s initial status as a punk band. “You were considered punk, right?” he mused, a title accepted by Weymouth, who confirmed Fallon’s pondering. With a tinge of humor, Frantz proposed similarity in genre cross-over, adding, “We had a lot in common with the punks. But, we weren’t really that punk to tell you the truth… We were nice kids.” Inevitably, they applied “garagey” before mentioning the use of the “New Wave” label to gain interest.

Speaking to the range of recording locations for albums, Harrison shared, “We wanted each album to stand on it’s own, and we felt that if you record in a different environment, that will already make it different.” He went on to name location; Bahamas for record No. two, rehearsal loft for three, Fear of Music, (which required consideration for the day of the week, and less outside traffic outside the Long Island City residence). 
A lighthearted moment arrived as Byrne mentioned the passing of time and seeing his younger self through the lens of the Stop Making Sense concert film. He offered a joke about the quality of skin before the entire group got into the nitty gritty of making joint decisions regarding the video. Watch below.

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