The first autonomous store in Romania opens in Bucharest

The first autonomous store in Romania opens in Bucharest
The first autonomous store in Romania – where the products no longer need to be scanned – will be launched by Penny in District 6 of the Capital, on May 29, according to the announcements made by the retailer.
“We are taking the shopping experience to the next level. In the first fully autonomous PENNY store, you enter, quickly sort out your shopping list and pay at the end, without spending time at the cash register. Choose your favorite products from our selection and put them directly in your bag without worry, because the items are automatically scanned by means of a smart camera system located in the store.
You can always place the products back on the shelf and they will automatically be deducted from the receipt. Even if you fail to place the products in their place, the system will maintain its functionality and the products will not appear on the receipt.
Visit us on Bld. Iuliu Maniu 6R and get ready for an easy and intuitive shopping session”, says the retailer.
However, although the concept of “fully automatic” is advanced and the products placed in the shopping basket no longer need to be scanned, the customer still has to pay for the products at a checkout when leaving the store – the money is not automatically taken from the account through any mobile application installed on the customer’s phone.
Penny is a concept of the German REWE group, with the first store opened on the local market in 2005. At the end of last year, the Penny network in Romania had 376 stores.

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