The week in TV: Insomnia; Cold Case Investigators: Solving Britain’s Sex Crimes; Rebus; Trying; The Nevermets – review

The week in TV: Insomnia; Cold Case Investigators: Solving Britain’s Sex Crimes; Rebus; Trying; The Nevermets – review

Vicky McClure’s sleepless nights are only the half of it in a convoluted psychological thriller; new forensics and dogged detectives solve decades-old cases in a gripping documentary; and Rebus is reimagined with grit and wit

Insomnia (Paramount+)
Cold Case Investigators: Solving Britain’s Sex Crimes (BBC Two) | iPlayer
Rebus (BBC One) | iPlayer
Trying (Apple TV+)
The Nevermets (Channel 4) |

Don’t judge me, but sometimes I have a yen for a twisty, moreish, mildly preposterous thriller. You know the kind of thing: moody atmospheres; reeking red herrings; tense supping of wine; characters living in implausibly grand houses painted in “school fees teal” or whatever the hue du jour is. Throw in an unravelling central heroine and I’m all set.

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