The week in TV: We Might Regret This; Michael Mosley: Wonders of the Human Body; The Frog; Pachinko; Made in Korea – review

The week in TV: We Might Regret This; Michael Mosley: Wonders of the Human Body; The Frog; Pachinko; Made in Korea – review

Disability is only the half of it in a richly surprising new comedy; Michael Mosley’s final series underlines his rare gift for TV; and from Korea, an unhinged thriller, a classy family saga, and inside K-pop’s boot camp

We Might Regret This (BBC Two) | iPlayer
Michael Mosley: Wonders of the Human Body (Channel 5) |
The Frog (Netflix)
Pachinko (Apple TV+)
Made in Korea: The K-Pop Experience (BBC One) | iPlayer

Who knew comedy was missing a catheter chandelier? It hangs proudly in Freya’s bedroom in the opening episode of new six-parter We Might Regret This (BBC Two) which doesn’t flinch from disability themes. Created and written by Kyla Harris and Lee Getty (Getty was once Harris’s carer, AKA personal assistant), it stars Harris as Freya, a semi-autobiographical version of herself (also Canadian, tetraplegic and an artist), coming to the UK to live with lover Abe (Darren Boyd). The first scene features Freya’s initial witless PA walking in on them having sex (“I always wondered whether it worked with… down there”).

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