The world has changed. So why do businessmen still think they can harass women at work parties? | Stefan Stern

The world has changed. So why do businessmen still think they can harass women at work parties? | Stefan Stern

Trade bodies are setting out rules to avoid ‘unacceptable’ behaviour, but part of the problem is how we view work itself

An old, cruel joke claimed David Beckham wore headphones at all times so a voice could remind him to “breathe in, breathe out”. Some things that should come naturally don’t.

You might think that a code of conduct for adult professionals attending a work-related social event, reminding them to “be considerate and respectful to each other” and “refrain from any unacceptable conduct” (defined elsewhere in the code), falls into the same category of advice as Beckham’s breathing tips.

Stefan Stern is co-author of Myths of Management and the former director of the High Pay Centre

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