what happens when you type https://www.google.com in your browser and press Enter?

RMAG news

Understanding the functioning of the internet is essential in grasping the mechanics of the web and websites. As you navigate the online realm by typing a website address into your browser and hitting enter, a series of intricate processes occur in the background. Your browser, acting as the client, sends a message to your Internet Service Provider (ISP), such as AT&T or Comcast in the US or BT or TalkTalk in the UK.

This message communicates your request to access a specific website, like ‘google.com’, to the ISP. The ISP then forwards this inquiry to a crucial component known as a Domain Name System (DNS) server – akin to an advanced phone directory. Subsequently, the DNS server seeks and retrieves the precise IP address associated with the requested website from its database.

Every device connected to the internet has a unique IP address, serving as a digital address for routing data between computers. Once the DNS server identifies the IP address, it relays this crucial information back to your browser through the ISP via the internet. Following this, you can directly contact the server associated with the IP address, which in this case would be the Google servers. These servers furnish your browser with all the essential files and data necessary to display the Google homepage.Now let us take a deep dive into “what happens when you type https://www.google.com in your browser and press Enter?”


Almost evrything on the web starts with a DNS (Domain Name System) request. The browser needs to convert the user-friendly domain name www.google.com into an IP address, which computers use to communicate. To do this, it sends a query to a DNS server, which functions like the internet’s phonebook, retrieving the IP address associated with Google’s server.”


The protocol suite known as TCP/IP plays a crucial role when it comes to using the IP address. TCP ensures a dependable connection between your machine and Google’s server, ensuring the integrity and proper order of the data. IP, on the other hand, is responsible for accurately routing the data packets to the expected destination.


The firewall, known as the guard, plays a crucial role in the journey of packets. Its main purpose is to ensure the safety and authorization of traffic by carefully examining each packet. Only after passing predefined rules does the firewall permit the packets to continue their journey.


In a secure domain such as HTTPS, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS), play a vital role in establishing a secure connection. They achieve this by encrypting the data exchanged between your browser and Google’s server, effectively protecting against eavesdropping(in the context of network security, refers to the unauthorized interception and listening to private communications over a network).


A load balancer serves as a traffic distributor and coordinator helping to effectively distribute incoming requests among multiple servers. The purpose of this is to prevent any individual server from becoming overwhelmed, resulting in improved performance and enhanced reliability. By evenly balancing the load, the load balancer optimizes the utilization of server resources.


After load balancing, the web server steps in to handle the HTTP request. It determines the necessary action and often interacts with an application server to further process the request it also determines the course of action from the recieved requests.


The application server serves as the central intelligence of the operation. It executes the essential business logic required to fulfill the request. This server communicates with the database to retrieve or update information and processes the data as needed. Once all necessary operations are completed, the application server prepares the HTTP response, ensuring it is ready to be sent back to your browser. This response includes all the dynamic content and data requested, seamlessly integrating backend processes with the user-facing web application.


In order to fulfill your request, the application server may need to retrieve or store data. It establishes communication with the database, serving as the central storage for data storage and management. Through these operations, the application server diligently ensures the successful and efficient execution of your search requests.


The HTTP response traverses a complex path and ultimately reaches your browser wherein it undergoes rendering of HTML, CSS and JavaScript elements. This collaborative process culminates in the familiar and beloved Google webpage experience.

The seamless orchestration of this sequence of events, though seemingly instantaneous, is a testament to the engineering excellence that is inherent within the realm of technology. It represents a prodigious achievement in the field, showcasing the vast potential and possibilities of the ever-evolving technological landscape.