Which technology was popularised by Cher’s hit Believe? The Saturday quiz

Which technology was popularised by Cher’s hit Believe? The Saturday quiz

From Bleeding Gums Murphy to Maude Flanders, test your knowledge with the Saturday quiz

1 What, in West Yorkshire, is the UK’s tallest freestanding structure?
2 Which technology was popularised by Cher’s hit Believe?
3 In a wine bottle, what is the ullage?
4 In Inuit religion, Nanook is the master of which animals?
5 Which English queen grew up in Wulfhall?
6 Route Irish was a notorious journey in which city?
7 Who are the only two divorced US presidents?
8 The Synod of Whitby in AD664 decided how to calculate what?
What links:
Alkali; alkaline earth; transition; actinides; lanthanides?
10 Buzz; Gala; Mecca; Merkur?
11 Larry Dalrymple; Maude Flanders; Frank Grimes; Bleeding Gums Murphy?
12 Thirteen-year brood XIX and seventeen-year XIII in 2024?
13 Tokyo; Sapporo; Fukuoka; Matsuyama?
14 Delon; Hopper; Damon; Malkovich; Scott?
15 Dunmore Park folly; St Paul’s Cathedral towers; Wimbledon men’s trophy?

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