1219. Path with Maximum Gold

RMAG news


* @param {number[][]} grid
* @return {number}

var getMaximumGold = function (grid) {
const m = grid.length
const n = grid[0].length
let res = 0

function dfs(row, col) {
if (
Math.min(row, col) < 0
|| row >= m
|| col >= n
|| grid[row][col] === 0
) return 0

let curr = grid[row][col]
grid[row][col] = 0

let down = dfs(row + 1, col)
let up = dfs(row 1, col)
let left = dfs(row , col + 1)
let right = dfs(row , col 1)

grid[row][col] = curr

return curr + Math.max(down, up, right, left)


for (let row = 0; row < m; row++) {
for (let col = 0; col < n; col++) {
res = Math.max(res, dfs(row, col))

return res

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