‘All anyone will care about is the dog!’ Oscar sensation The Artist hits the stage – but can Uggie boogie?

‘All anyone will care about is the dog!’ Oscar sensation The Artist hits the stage – but can Uggie boogie?

It was the film about end of the silent era that scooped five Oscars, made $133m and beguiled the world. But can the movie work on stage? And how will its real star, a frisky parson russell terrier, dance?

One day, we will tell our grandchildren about that time in 2012 when a black-and-white French film set in the silent era, featuring only a few words of spoken dialogue, bagged five Oscars including best picture, and grossed $133m at the box office. Will they stare at us as if we’ve been bopped on the head by a Keystone Kop?

The Artist charts the rise of Peppy Miller, a young dancer whose screen ascendancy coincides with the fall of George Valentin, a matinee idol resistant to the incoming talkies. The charming comedy, directed by Michel Hazanavicius, felt like a tonic as well as an anomaly. Now the question is whether its pleasures will survive in another medium. A near-wordless picture about early-20th-century film has a certain logic. But can a silent movie work on stage?

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