Scientists Say: Model

Scientists Say: Model

Model (noun, “MAH-del”) A model is a representation of how something in the real world works. Scientists use models to ask questions, make predictions, explain phenomena and test our current knowledge. Scientists also use models to share their ideas with others.  Some models are physical objects. A model airplane represents the shape and appearance of…

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Let’s learn about meteorites

Let’s learn about meteorites

Except for a handful of manned missions to the moon, people have seen celestial bodies only from afar. But sometimes, bits of those far-off space rocks crash onto Earth. We call these rogue bits of space rubble meteorites. And they offer rare, handheld samples of the materials that make up distant places in the solar…

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Scientists Say: Solar Cycle

Scientists Say: Solar Cycle

Solar cycle (noun, “SOHL-err SY-kuhl”) The solar cycle is a roughly 11-year cycle in the sun’s activity. At the start of each cycle, the sun’s activity is low. It’s at a so-called “solar minimum.” Over an average four years, the sun’s activity rises to a “solar maximum.” Over another seven years or so, it quiets…

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Logitech Circle 2, în magazinele din România

Logitech Circle 2, în magazinele din România

Logitech anunță disponibilitatea, în magazinele din România, a camerei Circle 2, o soluție de supraveghere, potrivită pentru orice tip de spațiu, exterior sau interior. Cu ajutorul acesteia, utilizatorii pot urmări mișcarea în orice colț al casei sau vedea cine sună la ușă. Activarea ei este simplă: se așază în locația dorită, trebuie conectată cu aplicația…

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