Colin Moore deals with Type 1 diabetes while dealing on the mound

Colin Moore deals with Type 1 diabetes while dealing on the mound
Junior pitcher Colin Moore of Crescenta Valley is 8-1 this season while dealing with Type 1 diabetes.
(Matt Sellars)

Colin Moore deals with Type 1 diabetes while dealing on the mound

Eric Sondheimer April 14, 2024

There are important things teenage athletes never forget


leaving home. Cellphone. Wallet. Bottle of water.

For Colin Moore, a junior pitcher at Crescenta Valley


with Type 1 diabetes, he has another must-have item.

I keep a jar of Skittles in my baseball bag every game, he said.

Thats his emergency go-to item if his blood sugar level becomes too low.

He wears a glucose monitor and insulin pump on his arm

. Heand

monitors everything via his cellphone.

Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease

where in which

the pancreas produces little or no insulin.

Moore isHes

6 feet 3, 230 pounds and has come a long way


since being diagnosed at age 12

, justright

before the pandemic.

It gave me a lot of time to get used to it and adjust to the new lifestyle I was living, he said.

He entered high school as a freshman and had few problems, but during his sophomore season, I started getting low on my blood sugar a lot, he said. It was super confusing. Something was not right.

He ended up getting an insulin pump

that delivers insulin to his body

to raise his blood sugar level. That helped during practices and games when he was playing junior varsity.

Coach Phil Torres also put him in touch with an alumnus, Nick Padula, whos a




This season, his first on varsity, Moore has an 8-1 pitching record for the 17-5 Falcons.

Hes throwing strikes, Torres said. Hes does a real good job self-monitoring. Hes a big dude. Hes got himself in way better shape.

Said Moore: Im super proud of myself to adjusting.

Padula said, “It all comes down to the athletes. They live with it and have to stay on top of it.”

Padula examined what Moore eats four hours before a game, two hours, one hour and what he drinks before and during games. Moore has to monitor what works to maintain blood sugar consistency.

“It’s the fuel for all of us,” Padula said. “He has to maintain it externally.”

Athletes playing with Type 1 diabetes is nothing new. Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Garrett Mitchell, who attended Orange Lutheran


and UCLA, has been playing since he was diagnosed

when he was at


Moore said getting in better shape has been important for his health and baseball development.

I put in extra work, he said. Ive been having the most fun Ive had playing baseball in a long time.

Now Moore wants to use his experiences to help others. His message is dont let diabetes be an obstacle to participating in sports.

If anybody tells you no, dont listen to them,” he said. “Just play. I want to serve as inspiration to all the Type 1 diabetics out there.

And yes, teammates and coaches know about his stash of Skittles.

“We give him a hard time,” Torres said. “We call him, ‘Mr. Big Skittles.'”

Padula endorses Moore’s hidden treat.

“That’s perfect,” he said. “Think of it as a little bit of rocket fuel if you get too low.”

No. 1 in America

Corona High can call itself the best high school baseball team in California, if not the nation, after winning the National High School Baseball Invitational on Saturday in Cary, N.C.

The Panthers (19-2) turned to standout junior pitcher Seth Hernandez, who

allowed gave up only

four hits and struck out five in a 3-0 win over Orange Lutheran in the championship game.

Hernandez was backed by stellar defense from third baseman Brady Ebel and first baseman David Rivera to turn back the Lancers, who inflicted


one of the two losses


on the Panthers this season.

Corona has little time to celebrate. The Panthers face rival Corona Centennial on Monday in the first of a three-game series that will decide the Big VIII League championship.

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