Diving Deep into DSA on My Journey to L5-L6! 🚀

Diving Deep into DSA on My Journey to L5-L6! 🚀

🚀 Day 15 of my journey to becoming an L5-L6 developer!

📚 Topics Covered So Far:

Array & Hashing
Two Pointers
Sliding Window
Binary Search
Priority Queue
Linked List
Dynamic Programming

🎩 Pro Tips & Personal Insights:

Two Pointers: Like sliding windows, but with limited pointers. Great for optimizing solutions.

Sliding Window: Start with a valid window, add items, and remove them if the window becomes invalid.

Stack: Think of it as a place to store things for later, in reverse recursive order.

Binary Search: The magic of reducing your domain on every step to find the item efficiently.

Linked List: A node that knows only about its adjacent nodes.

Trees: Do things for one node, then make it recursive for all. Like a domino effect!

Recursion: A powerful tool to solve problems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable pieces.

Dynamic Programming: Solve via recursion, add cache, convert into iterative solution, then optimize space. Voila!

Backtracking: When you need to explore all possible solutions without getting lost. Think of it as your problem-solving GPS.

Here’s a neat trick for backtracking:

backtrack_arr = []
def rec(i):

🚀 Excited to dive deeper into DSA and reach my goal of becoming an L5-L6 developer! 💪 Follow along for more updates and tips!

📖 Following the roadmap on https://neetcode.io to master DSA!