Doctor Who: 73 Yards – season one episode four recap

Doctor Who: 73 Yards – season one episode four recap

Millie Gibson takes centre stage as she lives out a life that is packed with the supernatural – but without the Doctor. It’s a stone-cold classic … until its final moments

After the suspense of last week’s Boom, the new Doctor Who season cranked up to full-on horror in 73 Yards, with an episode destined to be remembered as one of the all-time great companion performances.

Once the Doctor vanishes, it is left to Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday to unravel the mystery that then stretches through the whole of her life, morphing from creeping dread in rural Wales to a political thriller split between London and Cardiff. Aneurin Barnard cut an impressive figure as the paranoid and controlling populist politician Roger ap Gwilliam, somewhat in the mould of Emma Thompson’s Vivienne Rook in Russell T Davies’ Years and Years.

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