From Partygate to Post Office to D-day: five ways ITV has shaken up the election

From Partygate to Post Office to D-day: five ways ITV has shaken up the election

The broadcaster, free of the paralysing attention focused on the BBC, has defined many of the moments on which July’s vote might hinge

UK general election live – latest updates

ITV is leading the way during this election campaign, producing many of the moments that have defined the contest. Talk to people at the broadcaster and they will tell you it is more confident than the BBC, thanks to a scrappier commercial mindset; it has fewer resources so has to punch harder.

But it is also free of the BBC’s paralysing knowledge that every editorial decision will be scrutinised by rightwing media outlets – and a government that would like to abolish the licence fee. As a result, even in an era when live TV ratings are in steep decline, the channel has succeeded in capturing (and provoking) some of the growing public anger against the Conservative government.

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