How England came to rely on a ‘sticking plaster’ crisis fund

How England came to rely on a ‘sticking plaster’ crisis fund

Labour has a matter of weeks to decide what to do about the flawed fund relied on by some of the poorest families

Half a million children could face holiday hunger

Without the household support fund (HSF), Hereford food bank would be struggling to stay afloat. “We’re seeing fewer cash and food donations, and demand for food parcels is soaring – so its been a saviour for us,” says its manager, Helen Parker.

Last year it received an £84,000 HSF grant from Herefordshire county council. This helped it to give out 2,300 food parcels to nearly 5,000 people (including 1,700 children) over 12 months, equivalent to more than 100,000 meals.

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