Introduction to Frida for Reverse Engineering

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Introduction to Frida for Reverse Engineering

Frida is a dynamic instrumentation toolkit widely used in the realm of reverse engineering, security research, and application testing. It allows researchers and developers to inject their own scripts into running processes to analyze and manipulate their behavior at runtime. This powerful capability is invaluable for understanding how software works, identifying vulnerabilities, or bypassing certain restrictions without modifying the actual binary, which is especially useful in closed or proprietary systems.

Benefits of Using Frida for Reverse Engineering

Frida supports various platforms including Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android, and QNX. This cross-platform support is crucial for analyzing applications that are available on multiple platforms.

Frida works by attaching to existing processes or by spawning new processes. It doesn’t require any changes to the binary itself, which makes it an ideal tool for analyzing production binaries.

Frida uses JavaScript (or TypeScript) for scripting, which is easy to write and understand. This lowers the barrier to entry and allows for rapid prototyping and deployment of complex hooks and manipulations.

Frida provides a rich API that allows deep manipulation and monitoring capabilities. This includes accessing memory, intercepting function calls, modifying registers, and calling native functions dynamically.

There is a vibrant community around Frida, which contributes to a large repository of scripts and extensions. This ecosystem makes it easier to find solutions or get help for specific problems.

Advanced Examples of Using Frida for Reverse Engineering

Example 1: Intercepting and Modifying Function Arguments

Suppose you’re analyzing a proprietary encryption function within an Android app, and you want to see the data being passed to this function. You can use Frida to intercept the function call, log the arguments, and even modify them.

Java.perform(function () {
var TargetClass = Java.use(;

TargetClass.encrypt.implementation = function (data) {
console.log(Original data: + data);

// Modify the argument
var modifiedData = modified_ + data;
console.log(Modified data: + modifiedData);

// Continue with modified data
return this.encrypt(modifiedData);

This script changes the data being encrypted, which can be useful for testing how the application handles unexpected inputs or for bypassing security checks.

Bypassing SSL Pinning on iOS

SSL pinning is a security measure used to mitigate man-in-the-middle attacks by validating the server’s certificate against a known good copy embedded in the application. Frida can be used to bypass this by intercepting the relevant SSL checks.

ObjC.schedule(ObjC.mainQueue, function () {
var NSURLSessionDelegate = ObjC.protocols.NSURLSessionDelegate;

// Override the method that validates the server trust
Interceptor.attach(ObjC.classes.YourAppClass[– validateServerTrust:].implementation, {
onEnter: function (args) {
// Log the server trust validation attempt
console.log(Server trust validation function called);

// Always return true for the validation result
args[2] = ptr(0x1);

This script forces the validation function to always return true, effectively bypassing SSL pinning.

Dynamic Analysis of a Windows Application

Suppose you want to trace the usage of a particular Windows API within an application to understand how it interacts with the system. Frida makes it easy to hook these API calls and log their parameters and results.

const kernel32 = Module.load(kernel32.dll);
const createFile = Module.findExportByName(kernel32.dll, CreateFileW);

Interceptor.attach(createFile, {
onEnter: function (args) {
this.path = args[0].readUtf16String();
console.log(CreateFile called with path: + this.path);
onLeave: function (retval) {
if (parseInt(retval, 16) !== 1) {
console.log(File opened successfully);
} else {
console.log(Failed to open file);

This script hooks the CreateFileW function in kernel32.dll, logs the file paths being accessed, and reports on whether the file open operation was successful.

Some Android scripting examples:

Script to bypass root detection:

Java.perform(function() {
var targetClass = Java.use(com.example.RootDetectionClass);
targetClass.isRooted.implementation = function() {
console.log(Bypassing root detection…);
return false; // Always return false to bypass root detection

Script to hook and decrypt encrypted strings:

Java.perform(function() {
var targetClass = Java.use(com.example.EncryptionClass);
targetClass.decryptString.overload(java.lang.String).implementation = function(encryptedString) {
var decryptedString = this.decryptString(encryptedString);
console.log(Encrypted String: + encryptedString);
console.log(Decrypted String: + decryptedString);
return decryptedString;

Script to bypass SSL pinning:

Java.perform(function() {
var CertificatePinner = Java.use(okhttp3.CertificatePinner);
CertificatePinner.check.overload(java.lang.String, java.util.List).implementation = function(hostname, certificates) {
console.log(Bypassing SSL pinning for hostname: + hostname);
// Do nothing to bypass SSL pinning

Make sure to replace the class names (com.example.RootDetectionClass, com.example.EncryptionClass) and method names with the appropriate ones from the target application you are analyzing. These scripts are just examples and may need to be adjusted based on the actual code you are reverse engineering.


Frida is an exceptionally versatile tool for reverse engineering, offering the ability to inspect, modify, and bypass the internal workings of a software application dynamically across multiple platforms. By understanding and utilizing Frida’s capabilities through scripts like the examples provided, researchers and developers can gain deep insights into software behavior, enhance security testing, and even develop patches or enhancements for existing applications.