More job vacancies in Romania in 2024 Q1

More job vacancies in Romania in 2024 Q1

In the first quarter of 2024, the number of job vacancies reached 35.0 thousand, marking an increase of 1.7 thousand compared to the previous quarter, according to the latest report by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). The job vacancies rate for this period was estimated at 0.69%, up by 0.04 percentage points from the previous quarter. However, when compared to the same quarter in 2023, the number of job vacancies decreased by 12.1 thousand, and the job vacancies rate dropped by 0.24 percentage points.

Therefor, in the first quarter 2024, the highest job vacancies rates were registered in electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply (1.53%),
financial and insurance activities (1.51%), respectively water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities and arts, entertainment and recreation (1.36% each), INS shows.

Over 23% of the total number of job vacancies was concentrated in manufacturing (8.1 thousand job vacancies) and the value rate was
The budgetary sector2 summed up over 19% of the total number of job vacancies. Thus, in human health and social work activities and public administration were found 3.0 thousand job vacancies each and in education 0.7 thousand job vacancies.

At the opposite side, the job vacancies rate registered the lowest values in education (0.20%), mining and quarrying (0.25%), respectively in agriculture, forestry and fishing (0.37%).
The fewest job vacancies were found in real estate activities and in mining and quarrying (0.1 thousand job vacancies each), respectively in
other service activities (0.2 thousand job vacancies).

Compared to the previous quarter, the most relevant increases of the job vacancies rate were in construction (+0.28 percentage points),
followed by water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities, respectively human health and social work
activities (+0.18 percentage points each).
As concerning the number of job vacancies, the most relevant increases were noticed in construction (+1.3 thousand job vacancies),
human health and social work activities (+0.7 thousand job vacancies), followed by transportation and storage, respectively administrative and support service activities (+0.4 thousand job vacancies each).

On the other hand, regarding the job vacancies rate, the most notable decreases were observed in real estate activities (-0.14 percentage points) and in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (-0.13 percentage points). The latter also saw the most significant drop in the number of job vacancies, with a decrease of 1.1 thousand. Compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the largest declines in job vacancies rates were in real estate activities (-0.84 percentage points), public administration (-0.80 percentage points), and administrative and support service activities (-0.58 percentage points).

The most significant decreases in the number of job vacancies occurred in manufacturing (-2.9 thousand), public administration (-2.2 thousand), and administrative and support service activities (-1.8 thousand). Conversely, the job vacancies rate saw the most substantial increases in electricity, gas, steam, and air conditioning supply (+0.31 percentage points) and other service activities (+0.17 percentage points). In terms of the number of job vacancies, the highest increases were observed in accommodation and food service activities (+0.4 thousand) and construction (+0.3 thousand).

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