Albuquerque officials give update on efforts of community safety interaction team

Albuquerque officials give update on efforts of community safety interaction team

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – City of Albuquerque officials say their interaction teams have responded to more than 50 illegal camps each day and average 1,500 interactions a month. They say 40% of homeless people accept some kind of help when offered. Several Coronado Mall restaurants fail health inspection Campers who don’t have 72 hours to leave…

RMAG news

Winform Terraform Commands: Init and Apply

Introduction Understanding the init and apply commands is essential for successful infrastructure provisioning because they ensure that all dependencies are properly installed and configured and that changes are consistently and accurately applied to the target infrastructure. Without understanding these commands, it will be challenging to properly deploy and manage infrastructure with Terraform. Init: The init…

Decizie radicală a Lufthansa și Austrian Airlines: Zborurile spre Teheran, suspendate până pe 18 aprilie

Decizie radicală a Lufthansa și Austrian Airlines: Zborurile spre Teheran, suspendate până pe 18 aprilie

“Din cauza situaţiei actuale, Lufthansa îşi suspendă zborurile spre Teheran până joi 18 aprilie inclusiv, după o evaluare atentă” a situaţiei, a declarat un purtător de cuvânt al Lufthansa.”Compania nu mai foloseşte nici spaţiul aerian iranian”, a adăugat el.Grupul german anunţase miercuri suspendarea zborurilor sale până joi, apoi a prelungit termenul până sâmbătă. Zborurile sunt…

ChatCraft Adventures #13, UI Changes

ChatCraft Adventures #13, UI Changes

ChatCraft Release 1.9 is available here ChatCraft Week 13 Recap This week, I worked on addressing more technical debt in ChatCraft. Here’s the work I’ve done. Pull Requests Adjust Toast Message Width for Mobile Experience This Pull Request fixes a bug my class instructor, Dave, noticed when using ChatCraft on mobile: In this issue, error…

Best Prime Video Horror to Watch Now (April 2024)

Best Prime Video Horror to Watch Now (April 2024)

We’ve assembled a list of the best Prime Video horror movies and TV shows for April 2024. You can watch classic franchises like Evil Dead and Chucky or modern masterpieces like Get Out, and The Terror; Prime Video has a terrifying selection that will keep you burying your head under your blankets. You can check…

RMAG news

Evolution of Quality Attributes in Agile Software Development

Defining Key Terms What is Agile Software Development? Definition: Agile software development is an iterative and incremental approach to software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. Key Characteristics: Iterative and Incremental Development Flexibility and Adaptability Collaborative Approach Customer-Centric Focus Emphasis on Continuous Improvement Empirical Process Control What are Quality Attributes? Definition: Quality attributes,…

RMAG news

Meta Scrum within Cross-Functional Teams

Introduction Meta Scrum is a set of principles and practices that aim to enhance collaboration and communication among cross-functional teams in Agile methodologies. It provides a framework for managing complex projects and aligning the efforts of multiple teams towards a common goal. Meta Scrum is often used in conjunction with other Agile practices such as…

VIDEO: Albuquerque firefighter arrested for DUI in March

VIDEO: Albuquerque firefighter arrested for DUI in March

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Last month, three members of the Albuquerque Fire Rescue were arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence and new footage has emerged of the third firefighter stopped by authorities. On March 22, 27-year-old Mateo Keyohara was spotted by Albuquerque police officers near the intersection of Rio Grande and Indian School. The…

RMAG news

FIX, REST, and WebSocket APIs: A Comprehensive Exploration

Introduction APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are tools that allow different software systems to communicate with each other. They act as a bridge between different applications, allowing them to share data and functionality without the need for direct integration. APIs are essential in modern software development because they allow for flexibility, scalability, and collaboration between…

VIDEO REPORTAJ Sub plafonul sărăciei, umanitatea rezistă. Două mame singure din satul Lespezi reușesc să-și țină copiii cu ajutorul oamenilor din comunitate: „Turci, români, căutăm ajutor pentru toți”

VIDEO REPORTAJ Sub plafonul sărăciei, umanitatea rezistă. Două mame singure din satul Lespezi reușesc să-și țină copiii cu ajutorul oamenilor din comunitate: „Turci, români, căutăm ajutor pentru toți”

Între 10 și 12 aprilie, musulmanii din întreaga lume au sărbătorit Ramazan Bayram, prilej de mese bogate și reuniuni de familie. Pentru turcii din Lespezi, comuna Dobromir, județul Constanța, strălucirea sărbătorii a anulat, pentru scurt timp, umbra grea a sărăciei în care se zbate comunitatea. Musulmani și creștini conviețuiesc aici pașnic de secole și caută,…

CNM and NMSP collaborate on class tackling cold cases

CNM and NMSP collaborate on class tackling cold cases

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Local college students are about to help police crack cold cases in our state. It’s part of a new course teaming Central New Mexico Community College students with New Mexico State Police. In July 1989, the body of Janis Pulliam was discovered in Elephant Butte Lake. Her car was found abandoned at…

El lado oscuro del desarrollo de aplicaciones que los desarrolladores individuales absolutamente necesitan saber

El lado oscuro del desarrollo de aplicaciones que los desarrolladores individuales absolutamente necesitan saber

Hola. Soy un desarrollador que se registró como AndroidDeveloper el pasado mes de diciembre. Esta vez, tuve un evento que me hizo sentir que “el desarrollo de aplicaciones como individuo no es realista, y la mayoría de los desarrolladores serán aplastados por el fraude. Me gustaría compartir mi experiencia personal como recordatorio para todos los…

O altă asistentă susține ororile de la Spitalul Sfântul Pantelimon. Audieri maraton, 3 angajați din spital au făcut dezvăluiri crunte

O altă asistentă susține ororile de la Spitalul Sfântul Pantelimon. Audieri maraton, 3 angajați din spital au făcut dezvăluiri crunte

Totodată, parchetul general a început urmărirea penală pentru omor, după ce, în 3 zile, săptămâna trecută, ar fi fost uciși 17 oameni. Acuzația, făcută tot de un cadru medical, este cercetată de procurori, Ministerul Sănătății și Colegiul medicilor.  Au fost audieri maraton în cazul ororilor de la Spitalul Sfântul Pantelimon din Capitală. Directoarea de îngrijiri…

RMAG news

Liberalii germani: da canabisului, nu cărnii și zborurilor low-cost

Germania este cea mai mare țară europeană care a legalizat deținerea de canabis. Adulții vor putea avea asupra lor până la 25 de grame din acest drog și vor putea avea acasă până 50 de grame. Vor putea să și cultive până la trei plante în fiecare an. Pe 1 aprilie, germanii au sărbătorit trecerea…

Several Coronado Mall restaurants fail health inspection

Several Coronado Mall restaurants fail health inspection

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – Some of the city’s most recognized restaurants, at one of the most popular malls in Albuquerque, are having to close their doors to customers after they failed the city’s most recent health inspection. Some Coronado Mall shoppers shared a mixture of emotion when they learned about the announcement. “It doesn’t look very clean,”…

¿Cuánto ahorraron los andaluces en la pasada campaña de la Renta?

¿Cuánto ahorraron los andaluces en la pasada campaña de la Renta?

Los andaluces se ahorraron el año pasado 57,46 millones de euros en el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas (IRPF 2022), como consecuencia de las deducciones aprobadas por el Gobierno de la Junta de Andalucía, según el Ejecutivo autonómico. Según los datos provisionales de la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT) de los…

RMAG news

Pushing the Needle Forward

Today I learned what a TIL blog is, and created my Dev page to document my insights. I’m looking forward to filling this blog page with lots of great info to push the needle forward in my career change.

La llave de la prosperidad

La llave de la prosperidad

En los tiempos de la Guerra Fría, Stalin tuvo uno de esos días. Decidió que no soportaba más la visión de la bandera británica flameando en la vecina embajada británica. Ipso facto, su ministro de Asuntos Exteriores inició negociaciones con el embajador proponiéndole un cambio de localización de la Embajada. Nada tuvo que objetar el…

Si Sánchez se fuese y se llevase a Tezanos

Si Sánchez se fuese y se llevase a Tezanos

El CIS de Tezanos no ha defraudado. A pesar de que al PSOE se le acumulan los problemas en Cataluña y en Euskadi, le acorrala la corrupción en la compra de mascarillas y, a partir de junio, tendrá una situación de ingobernabilidad, el último estudio publicado por el instituto le otorga una importante recuperación. Según…

Avalada la gestión de las ayudas a las residencias durante el Covid

Avalada la gestión de las ayudas a las residencias durante el Covid

Los intereses políticos han generado que los esfuerzos del Congreso y el Senado se centren ahora en fiscalizar las ayudas que se dieron en su momento para luchar contra la pandemia del Covid. La reacción del PSOE y sus socios de Gobierno al «caso Koldo» ha sido citar a representantes de todas las administraciones en…

Luis García Rey: «Un instante convierte tu vida en una novela negra»

Luis García Rey: «Un instante convierte tu vida en una novela negra»

El premio Primavera de Novela 2024 ofrece una novela negra donde confluye el presente y la actualidad. La influencia de las redes sociales asociadas al mundo de la prostitución, contenidos para adultos y el falso pasaporte de inmunidad que te brinda la fama. Luis García-Rey nos hace una invitación a preguntarnos cuándo empezamos a morir…

Los botones y la cercanía de La Nueva Parisien

Los botones y la cercanía de La Nueva Parisien

Las clientes son nuestras amigas, cuentan María Paz y Belén en el único establecimiento de La Nueva Parisien, en la calle Claudio Coello, 23. La cercanía ha sido el secreto de la longevidad de este comercio centenario dedicado a la venta de complementos, entre los que destacan sus botones. María Paz García, de 71 años,…

¿Por qué los drones de EE UU no lograron cambiar el rumbo de la guerra en Ucrania?

¿Por qué los drones de EE UU no lograron cambiar el rumbo de la guerra en Ucrania?

La empresa Skydio de Silicon Valley envió cientos de sus mejores drones a Ucrania para ayudar a luchar contra las tropas rusas, pero las cosas no salieron como se esperaban. Los drones de esta compañía estadounidense se desviaron de su rumbo y se perdieron, víctimas de la guerra electrónica de Rusia. Desde entonces, Skydio ha…

The Chinese émigrés leaving the pressures of home for laid back Chiang Mai

The Chinese émigrés leaving the pressures of home for laid back Chiang Mai

Thai tourist hotspot popular with backpackers has become an unlikely second home for thousands of Chinese people seeking alternative lifestyles Approaching her mid-30s, Xiong Yidan reckons that most of her friends are on to their second or even third babies. But Xiong has more than a dozen. There is Lucky, the street dog from Bangkok…

Strasbourg court’s Swiss climate ruling could have global impact, say experts

Strasbourg court’s Swiss climate ruling could have global impact, say experts

Decision by European court of human rights around vulnerability of older women to heatwaves marks significant shift A landmark legal ruling at the European court of human rights could open the floodgates for a slew of new court cases around the world, experts have said. The Strasbourg-based court said earlier this week that Switzerland’s failure…