Chelsea top of Premier League table … for record £75m spend on agents

Chelsea top of Premier League table … for record £75m spend on agents

Manchester City second at £60.6m over the course of yearPeriod to February 2024 includes past two transfer windows Premier League clubs spent more than £400m on agents in the year to February 2024, with Chelsea handing over a record £75m to players’ representatives. Figures released by the Football Association show that Premier League clubs paid…

Stellar Blade’s PS5 demo figures rival FFVII’s

Stellar Blade’s PS5 demo figures rival FFVII’s

Stellar Blade, the stylish action-adventure catching a lot of eyes in advance of its launch this month, has recorded impressive numbers among gamers downloading and playing its demo. These numbers even eclipse those who played the Final Fantasy VII Rebirth demo on PlayStation 5. This is all great news for publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment, especially…

Hapag-Lloyd erneuert Schiffspropeller im großen Stil – Hersteller freut sich

Hapag-Lloyd erneuert Schiffspropeller im großen Stil – Hersteller freut sich

Riesen-Geschäft für die Mecklenburger Metallguss GmbH in Waren: Die Reederei Hapag-Lloyd will bis 2026 bis zu 111 Schiffspropeller austauschen, um Treibstoff zu sparen. Die Reederei mit Sitz am Ballindamm investiert in den nächsten Jahren Millionen in die technische Erneuerung ihrer Bestandsflotte – und der Schiffspropeller-Hersteller Mecklenburger Metallguss Waren GmbH (MMG) profitiert davon. Bis 2026 sollen…

Rmag Breaking News

The difference between ‘||’ and ‘??’ in JavaScript.

Today, we are going to look at the behavior of two operators in JavaScript – the Logical OR Operator (||) and the Nullish Coalescing Operator (??). These operators are usually confused or misunderstood, so let’s get right to it. They are usually used in writing one-liner “hotwires” (providing default values or fallbacks) and while they…

Rmag Breaking News

Crash in der City: Audi außer Kontrolle – Fiat bleibt auf Schutzbügel hängen

Am Freitagmittag hat es am Baumwall (Neustadt) gekracht: Ein Wagen kam von der Straße ab und rammte dabei ein geparktes Auto. Dabei wurde der Fahrer verletzt. Der Unfall ereignete sich gegen 12.10 Uhr. Laut Polizei kam der Fahrer eines Audi A3 aus bisher ungeklärter Ursache links von der Straße ab und raste in einen geparkten…

Auto contro moto a Castrolibero, ferito un giovane

Auto contro moto a Castrolibero, ferito un giovane

Il Quotidiano del Sud Auto contro moto a Castrolibero, ferito un giovane Brutto incidente stradale a Castrolibero, una Ford Fiesta si è scontrata con una moto Tenerè. Ad avere la peggio un giovane centauro che è stato trasportato in ambulanza all’ospedale civile dell’Annunziata CASTROLIBERO (COSENZA) – Brutto incidente stradale questo pomeriggio a Castrolibero. Intorno alle…

CM Punk Altercation Boosts AEW Dynamite’s Ratings

CM Punk Altercation Boosts AEW Dynamite’s Ratings

Photo Credit: AEW and WWE The latest edition of AEW Dynamite saw an increase in ratings, thanks in part to the contribution of WWE Superstar CM Punk. AEW heavily promoted the segment featuring The Young Bucks, showcasing never-before-seen backstage footage. The footage dates back to AEW All In London in August 2023. This was when…

Procurorii au formualt infracţiunea de OMOR în dosarul morților de la Spitalul Pantelimon. Trei martori audiați

Procurorii au formualt infracţiunea de OMOR în dosarul morților de la Spitalul Pantelimon. Trei martori audiați

Parchetul de pe lângă Tribunalul Bucureşti informează, vineri, că în cursul zilei au fost audiaţi trei martori – angajaţi ai spitalului, fiind totodată obţinute documentele medicale referitoare la toţi pacienţii decedaţi în cadrul Secţiei A.T.I. în perioada 4-7 aprilie 2024 (17 pacienţi), precum şi alte înscrisuri”, se arată într-un comunicat dat publicităţii de Parchet.  Procurorii precizează…

Este sau nu toxică mierea încălzită? Ce spun specialiștii: „Trebuie să avem grijă…”

Este sau nu toxică mierea încălzită? Ce spun specialiștii: „Trebuie să avem grijă…”

De-a lungul timpului au apărut diverse suspiciuni cu privire la mierea încălzită. Unele persoane susțin că mierea încălzită devine toxică, însă părerile sunt împărțite, atât între cetățeni, cât și între specialiștii în domeniul sănătății. Directorul Institutului Național de Cercetări Alimentare, Alexandru Cîrîc, a vorbit recent despre mierea încălzită și ce se întâmplă cu acest produs…

Los Alamos National Laboratory announces registration date for ‘behind the fence’ tours

Los Alamos National Laboratory announces registration date for ‘behind the fence’ tours

LOS ALAMOS, N.M. (KRQE) – Los Alamos National Laboratory announced the date people can sign up for the free “behind the fence” tours of the Manhattan Project National Historical Park in Los Alamos. The exclusive, four-hour tours take participants inside Pond Cabin, where physicist Emilio Segrè’s team made the pivotal discovery that the Thin Man plutonium bomb…

O elevă de clasa a 9-a din Rusia riscă cinci ani de închisoare după ce și-a aprins țigara de la „Flacăra Eternă”

O elevă de clasa a 9-a din Rusia riscă cinci ani de închisoare după ce și-a aprins țigara de la „Flacăra Eternă”

Autoritățile ruse au deschis un dosar penal după apariția unor imagini video, distribuite pe rețelele de socializare, în care o elevă de clasa a 9-a își aprinde o țigară de la Flacăra Eternă din orașul Iujno-Sahalinsk, regiunea rusă Sahalin, relatează Komsomolskaia Pravda. „Incidentul” a avut loc pe 11 aprilie. Două adolescente, identificate ulterior ca fiind…

New Russian heavy-lift rocket makes it into space after 2 failed launches

New Russian heavy-lift rocket makes it into space after 2 failed launches

Russia on Thursday successfully test-launched a new heavy-lift rocket from its Far Eastern space complex, a lift-off that comes after two aborted attempts earlier this week. The first attempt to launch the Angara-A5 rocket from the Vostochny spaceport on Tuesday was canceled about two minutes before the scheduled liftoff due to a failure of the…

‘Bradford isn’t like this’: city traumatised by killing of woman as she pushed pram

‘Bradford isn’t like this’: city traumatised by killing of woman as she pushed pram

Residents tell of shock and no longer feeling safe on day Kulsuma Akter’s husband appeared before court Bradford is still “in shock” almost a week after the killing of Kulsuma Akter, who was stabbed to death while pushing her seven-month-old son in a pram in the city centre. The 27-year-old, who her cousin said was…

¿Qué puedo hacer para que mi perro no pierda tanto pelo?

¿Qué puedo hacer para que mi perro no pierda tanto pelo?

La pérdida de pelo en los perros es un problema común que puede causar molestias tanto para las mascotas como para sus dueños. Con el objetivo de proporcionar soluciones efectivas, existen consejos prácticos para reducir la pérdida de pelo en los caninos. Cepillado regular El cepillado regular es fundamental para mantener el pelaje de un…

Chinese fund managers seek Bitcoin ETF approval in Hong Kong

Chinese fund managers seek Bitcoin ETF approval in Hong Kong

Hong Kong, a prominent global financial hub and a gateway for Chinese overseas investments, is poised to green-light a spot Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) linked to Bitcoin (BTC). According to a Coindesk report, Singapore-based crypto services provider Matrixport noted that this investment vehicle could potentially unlock up to $25 billion in demand from Chinese investors…

Kim Hye Yoon K-Drama & Movie List: Lovely Runner, Ditto & More

Kim Hye Yoon K-Drama & Movie List: Lovely Runner, Ditto & More

A behind the scenes still of Kim Hye Yoon from Lovely Runner (Photo Credit: tvN) Kim Hye Yoon is a well-known South Korean actress, who has recently come into the limelight for her role in the popular ongoing K-drama Lovely Runner. She plays the female lead, Im So, in the new tvN K-drama opposite actor…

Next.js vs Node.js: A Modern Contrast

Next.js vs Node.js: A Modern Contrast

When building web applications, you must carefully pick the right tech stack. Clients want reliable digital products, while developers seek optimal ways to spin them up. With multiple JavaScript framework options, choosing can be overwhelming, as it’s a strategic decision for your overall success. Your choice steers development by directly impacting the features, functionality, scalability,…

Bitcoin (BTC) Could Witness Further Price Declines if This Happens

Bitcoin (BTC) Could Witness Further Price Declines if This Happens

A CryptoQuant analyst has revealed that Bitcoin (BTC) still faces the risk of a deeper price correction even as the halving event draws near. According to a Quicktake by Gaah on the on-chain analysis platform, the crypto market is still hot as it is in a dangerous price region for leveraged traders. Significant pressure could…

UK and EU ‘within kissing distance’ of post-Brexit Gibraltar border deal

UK and EU ‘within kissing distance’ of post-Brexit Gibraltar border deal

Gibraltar’s chief minister says progress made in talks about free movement across border with Spain The UK and the EU are within “kissing distance” of a post-Brexit deal to guarantee free movement over the border between Gibraltar and Spain, Gibraltar’s chief minister has said. After a meeting between the UK foreign secretary, David Cameron, Spain’s…

After cloud providers, UK antitrust regulator takes aim at AI

After cloud providers, UK antitrust regulator takes aim at AI

The UK’s antitrust regulator has put tech giants on notice after expressing concern that developments in the AI market could stifle innovation. Sarah Cardell, CEO of the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), delivered a speech on the regulation of artificial intelligence in Washington DC on Thursday, highlighting new AI-specific elements of a previously announced…

Rmag Breaking News

9 ways AI is helping tackle climate change

The power of artificial intelligence (AI) to process huge amounts of data and help humans make decisions is transforming industries. As one of the world’s toughest challenges, combating climate change is another area where AI has transformational potential. Almost 4 billion people already live in areas highly vulnerable to climate change, according to the World…

Rmag Breaking News

These 75 robotics companies are hiring

It’s tough out there — and yet, doing my semi-regular jobs post always gives me hope. Seems every time I post one of these, the number increase. At 75 companies, this is undoubtedly the largest list we’ve made by a wide-margin. That means more work for me in putting this post together, but if it…

Rmag Breaking News

Boy, 13, among 4 teens charged in armed robberies on North Side

A 13-year-old boy was among three other teens facing armed robbery charges after being arrested early Friday morning in the Lakeview neighborhood, Chicago police said. The group of teens were arrested about 5 a.m. in the 900 block of West Addison Street after being identified as the armed robbers who minutes earlier took property from…

Nicolae Ciucă, la lansarea candidaților PNL din județul Constanța: „La marginea localității Mihail Kogălniceanu s-a dezvoltat cea mai mare bază NATO de pe teritoriul României. Se datorează și sprijinului de la autoritățile locale” (VIDEO)

Nicolae Ciucă, la lansarea candidaților PNL din județul Constanța: „La marginea localității Mihail Kogălniceanu s-a dezvoltat cea mai mare bază NATO de pe teritoriul României. Se datorează și sprijinului de la autoritățile locale” (VIDEO)

Președintele PNL, Nicolae Ciucă, a declarat vineri cu ocazia lansării candidaților PNL din județul Constanța că împreună cu actualul primar al municipiului Vergil Chițac a reușit să reînființeze Liceul Militar Constanța în 2018: Nicolae Ciucă, la lansarea candidaților PNL din județul Constanța “Mă leagă foarte multe activități, obiective, amintiri de Constanța. Una dintre ele este…

Minecraft: Jason Momoa Announces Wrapped Production on Live-Action Movie

Minecraft: Jason Momoa Announces Wrapped Production on Live-Action Movie

The upcoming Minecraft movie has finished filming. On Instagram, Minecraft star Jason Momoa announced that the forthcoming live-action movie had wrapped production. “MINECRAFT WE ARE WRAPPING,” Momoa’s caption reads. “All my aloha to my crew and cast. Unbelievable movie experience truly one of the greatest times of my life. Too many laughs. I love this…