Members of Talking Heads, Pavement and More Discuss Food Habits in New Book ‘Taste in Music’

Members of Talking Heads, Pavement and More Discuss Food Habits in New Book ‘Taste in Music’

Musician Alex Bleeker (Real Estate) and travel journalist Luke Pyenson (formerly of Frankie Cosmos) have announced their intent to inspect the one-of-a-kind relationship between touring artists and food in a new book, Taste in Music: Eating on Tour with Indie Musicians, due on September 24 via Chronicle Books. Using the authors’ unique perspectives, the pair…

HOA Homefront: Elections without ballots prompt myriad member questions

HOA Homefront: Elections without ballots prompt myriad member questions

Q: There is a lot of information on the internet about election acclamation, but one item does not seem to be answered. Perhaps you can assist. Once a board determines/votes to elect candidates by acclamation at an open board meeting, when do the candidates assume their new role? Immediately? At the annual meeting (as if…

Los socialistas madrileños dejan en evidencia a Tudanca

Los socialistas madrileños dejan en evidencia a Tudanca

Hace casi dos meses, el ministro de Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible. Óscar Puente, dejaba tiesos a los burgaleses cuando durante una intervención en el Senado enterraba prácticamente de forma definitiva una vieja aspiración de la provincia de Burgos: la línea férrea directa entre Madrid y Burgos, fuera de servicio desde el año 2011 por un…

George Simion pierde încă un senator. Alternativa Dreaptă preia oameni de la AUR

George Simion pierde încă un senator. Alternativa Dreaptă preia oameni de la AUR

AUR mai pierde un membru, senatorul Adrian Costea părăsind partidul în favoarea partidului Alternativa Dreaptă, condus de Adela Mîrza. Adrian Costea spune că Alternativa Dreaptă reprezintă conservatorismul autentic Senatorul de Ialomița, Adrian Costea, a părăsit partidul AUR pentru a se alătura partidului Alternativa Dreaptă, formațiune condusă de Adela Mîrza și lansată în 2019. „Voi rămâne…

El melanoma “rompe” genes para resistir a la acción de los fármacos

El melanoma “rompe” genes para resistir a la acción de los fármacos

El melanoma es el cáncer de piel que más muertes causa, y su incidencia mundial sigue aumentando. Cerca de la mitad de personas con este tumor tendrá mutaciones en el gen BRAF, que normalmente produce una proteína que ayuda a controlar el crecimiento celular, pero las mutaciones hacen que las células crezcan y se dividan…

Video captures chaotic New York migrant shelter arrests as woman obstructs officers

Video captures chaotic New York migrant shelter arrests as woman obstructs officers

Police bodycam footage has captured the moment chaos erupted this week at a hotel migrant shelter north of New York City as officers trying to make an arrest were met with resistance.  Video released by the Yonkers Police Department begins with a caller telling a dispatcher that “guy’s over here unruly” and “he’s getting very…

Rmag Breaking News

Multiple MongoDB Databases on Spring Boot

Intro If you’re working with Modular Monoliths on Spring Boot, you want to separate your modules into separate databases. That’s exactly my case, and trying to do that was a really pain in the ass. Mainly because all solutions that I’ve found still didn’t make auto index creation work. One important information: Here I’m using…

Polish MPs vote to move forward with legislation to lift near-total abortion ban

Polish MPs vote to move forward with legislation to lift near-total abortion ban

Campaigners celebrate first step to loosening some of Europe’s most restrictive abortion laws as four bills are sent to committee stage Politicians in Poland have voted to move forward with draft legislation aimed at lifting the country’s near-total ban on abortion, in what campaigners described as a crucial first step towards loosening some of Europe’s…

Rmag Breaking News

Kylian Mbappe, pus la zid de francezi 

Au trecut vremurile când presa din Hexagon, fostele glorii ale balonului rotund din Franța și numeroșii suporteri ai PSG se întreceau care să facă din osanale o statuie pentru internaționalul Kylian Mbappe. Este adevărat că din 2017, anul în care a ajuns la Paris, Mbappe a fost omul nr.1 al colosului creat de miliardele de…

Gallardo afea a la izquierda que responsabilice a Vox del clima de odio y crispación

Gallardo afea a la izquierda que responsabilice a Vox del clima de odio y crispación

El vicepresidente de la Junta de Castilla y León, Juan García-Gallardo, echa en cara a la izquierda su “superioridad moral ” por responsabilizar a Vox del “clima de odio y crispación” que podría haber llevado ayer a un hombre a agredir al presidente del Consejo Comarcal del Bierzo, Olegario Ramón. “El PSOE, con sus 140…

Ungarn: Orbán-Verbündete sollen Nachrichtensender Euronews gekauft haben

Ungarn: Orbán-Verbündete sollen Nachrichtensender Euronews gekauft haben

Wollten Vertraute des ungarischen Regierungschefs mehr Einfluss auf die EU nehmen? Angeblich stieg sein Umfeld bei einem Nachrichtensender ein. Menschen aus dem Umfeld des ungarischen Ministerpräsidenten Viktor Orbán sind offenbar am Kauf des europäischen Nachrichtensenders Euronews beteiligt gewesen. Wie mehrere europäische Medien am Donnerstag berichteten, haben die Orbán-Vertrauten mindestens ein Drittel der Kaufsumme bereitgestellt, ihre…

Back on the rack: the best ways to sell second-hand clothes | Tegan Forder

Back on the rack: the best ways to sell second-hand clothes | Tegan Forder

Clearing out your wardrobe? Here’s how you can stop good quality clothing from ending up in landfill Change by Degrees offers life hacks and sustainable living tips each Saturday to help reduce your household’s carbon footprintGot a question or tip for reducing household emissions? Email us at It’s a Saturday morning and I’m pulling…

Lidl bagă la ofertă de sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2024, cele 4 produse pe care românii le cumpără pe bandă rulantă. Se vor vinde destul de repede

Lidl bagă la ofertă de sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2024, cele 4 produse pe care românii le cumpără pe bandă rulantă. Se vor vinde destul de repede

Lidl bagă la ofertă începând de sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2024, produse pe care mulți români le vânează. Au un preț excelent și se vor vinde ca pâinea caldă. Nu vor rezista mult pe raft. Patru produse pe care Lidl le bagă la ofertă începând de sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2024 Lidl este magazinul din care mulți…

‘The new DiCaprio’: how Leo Woodall became one of UK’s hottest exports

‘The new DiCaprio’: how Leo Woodall became one of UK’s hottest exports

One Day actor who has been cast in next Bridget Jones film has an appeal that spans generations, say pop culture experts You’d probably never heard of him two years ago and now his blue eyes and floppy sandy hair are everywhere – from magazine covers to TikTok montages. Searches for Leo Woodall multiplied this…

Bonobos not the peace-loving primates once thought, study reveals

Bonobos not the peace-loving primates once thought, study reveals

Male-on-male aggression more frequent among bonobos than chimps, but aggression between males and females less common Bonobos are not quite the peace-loving primates they have long been considered, researchers say, after finding that males show more aggression towards each other than chimpanzees. Bonobos and chimpanzees are humans’ closing living relatives. While chimpanzees are known to…

Cocktail of the week: Lady Libertine’s the fields fizz – recipe | The good mixer

Cocktail of the week: Lady Libertine’s the fields fizz – recipe | The good mixer

A zippy, sparkling wine cocktail with a strawberry vermouth and citrus edge This lower-than-usual ABV cocktail features a delicious base of infused Italian vermouth and crémant, a French sparkling wine made in the traditional method, but just not from the region of Champagne. Douglas Murray, bar manager, Lady Libertine, Edinburgh Continue reading…

Stop abuse of jailed women in our state  

Stop abuse of jailed women in our state  

What would you say about a California federal women’s prison that, well after the prosecution of a former warden and several former correctional officers, continues to this day to be known as a “rape club” filled with sexual abuse and exploitation of its inmates? You’d say that the problem is quite clearly systemic, and that…

El Gobierno destinará 100.000 euros para la creación de un “Centro de Interpretación de la Memoria Histórica LGBTIQ+” en Canarias

El Gobierno destinará 100.000 euros para la creación de un “Centro de Interpretación de la Memoria Histórica LGBTIQ+” en Canarias

Este viernes, el Gobierno de Pedro Sánchez ha anunciado que destinará una partida de 100.000 euros de presupuesto para crear un “Centro Canario de Interpretación de la Memoria Histórica LGTBIQ+” en la isla de Fuerteventura. Historia del emplazamiento El ministro de Política Territorial y Memoria Democrática, Ángel Víctor Torres, ha explicado que esta institución se…

Rob Zombie is working on a book about the making of House of 1000 Corpses

Rob Zombie is working on a book about the making of House of 1000 Corpses

The 20th anniversary of writer/director Rob Zombie’s feature directorial debut House of 1000 Corpses (watch it HERE) came and went last year – but today, Zombie took to social media to announce that he’s celebrating the 21st anniversary of the film by working on a book about the making of it! Zombie also shared multiple behind-the-scenes images, and…

Top Spin 2K25 Q&A – Hangar 13 Unveils the Feature Set of the Long Awaited Tennis Game

Top Spin 2K25 Q&A – Hangar 13 Unveils the Feature Set of the Long Awaited Tennis Game

Nearly two years after the rumor shared by Jason Schreier, developer Hangar 13 (Mafia III, Mafia Definitive Edition) is almost ready to release Top Spin 2K25, the first new entry in the beloved tennis franchise since 2011’s Top Spin 4. With only three months between the official announcement and the launch date (slated for April…

Bitcoin Exchange Deposits Stay Low: Whales Disinterested In Selling?

Bitcoin Exchange Deposits Stay Low: Whales Disinterested In Selling?

On-chain data shows the Bitcoin exchange inflows have remained low recently, a sign that the whales have been disinterested in selling. Bitcoin Inflows For Binance & OKX Have Stayed Low Recently As pointed out by CryptoQuant founder and CEO Ki Young Ju in a post on X, the BTC deposits for cryptocurrency exchanges Binance and…

Rmag Breaking News

Israelul se pregăteşte de un atac iminent al Iranului

Israelul se pregăteşte pentru un atac direct din partea Iranului în sudul sau nordul ţării în următoarele 24 sau 48 de ore, a declarat pentru Wall Street Journal o sursă familiarizată cu dosarul, relatează vineri postul de televiziune israelian i24News. Dar o persoană informată de liderii iranieni a declarat totuşi că planurile de atac sunt…

EU-Wahl: Überraschend magere Umfragergebnisse für Allianz PSD-PNL

EU-Wahl: Überraschend magere Umfragergebnisse für Allianz PSD-PNL

Bukarest (ADZ) – Den Ergebnissen einer vom Meinungsforschungsinstitut AtlasIntel im Auftrag des Nachrichtensenders Digi 24 erhobenenen Sonntagsfrage zufolge läuft die Wahlallianz PSD-PNL Gefahr, bei der Europawahl vom 9. Juni unerwartet bescheiden und weit unter ihrem erklärten Wahlziel von mehr als 50 Prozent der abgegebenen Stimmen abzuschneiden: So wollen laut der im Zeitraum 5. bis 9….