¿Qué santo se celebra hoy, 10 de abril? Todo lo que debes saber del santoral de hoy

¿Qué santo se celebra hoy, 10 de abril? Todo lo que debes saber del santoral de hoy

El santoral católico es una lista que recoge los nombres de los santos y beatos reconocidos oficialmente por la Iglesia Católica y los asigna a una fecha específica en el calendario. En total, el santoral incluye alrededor de 7.000 personajes insignes. Los santos son hombres y mujeres que han dejado una huella en la historia…

Tara VanDerveer retires as Stanford women’s basketball coach

Tara VanDerveer retires as Stanford women’s basketball coach

By JANIE McCAULEY AP Sports Writer STANFORD — Tara VanDerveer, the winningest basketball coach in NCAA history, announced her retirement Tuesday night after 38 seasons leading the Stanford women’s team and 45 years overall. The 70-year-old VanDerveer surpassed Duke icon Mike Krzyzewski for the wins record in January. The Hall of Famer departs with 1,216…

Rmag Breaking News

Biden: quello che sta facendo Netanyahu è un errore

Il Quotidiano del Sud Biden: quello che sta facendo Netanyahu è un errore Milano, 10 apr. (askanews) – Il presidente americano Joe Biden ha descritto l’approccio del primo ministro israeliano, Benjamin Netanyahu, al conflitto come un “errore” e chiesto la fine dei combattimenti. “Penso che quello che sta facendo sia un errore. Non sono d’accordo…

Kobo’s new ereaders include its first with color displays

Kobo’s new ereaders include its first with color displays

Rakuten has a trio of new Kobo ereaders, including the company’s first two with color displays. On Wednesday, the company revealed the $220 Kobo Libra Colour and $150 Clara Colour alongside the monochrome $130 Clara BW. You can preorder them today, ahead of their April 30 launch. The Kobo Libra Colour has a seven-inch E…

Rmag Breaking News

Au făcut o afacere de milioane și mai primesc și subvenții de la stat în fiecare an. Ideea cu care poți să dai lovitura România, ”este foarte căutată”. Un kilogram se vinde cu 58 de lei

În România, oportunitățile de afaceri în domeniul zootehniei se diversifică, iar conservarea raselor tradiționale de porci, cum sunt Bazna și Mangalița, devine nu doar o misiune de patrimoniu național, ci și o idee de afacere profitabilă. Fermele care cresc aceste rase beneficiază de subvenții generoase din partea statului, în timp ce produsele derivate se vând…

Un fost atacant la FCSB a ales între Louis Munteanu și Denis Alibec: ”Să privim lucrurile din perspectiva lui Gigi Becali”

Un fost atacant la FCSB a ales între Louis Munteanu și Denis Alibec: ”Să privim lucrurile din perspectiva lui Gigi Becali”

Patronul ”roș-albaștrilor” a dezvăluit că a început deja să contureze campania de transferuri de la vară. Cu gândul să atace grupele Champions League în sezonul viitor, el a pus ochii pe cei doi atacanți. Louis Munteanu și Denis Alibec, analizați de un fost atacant la FCSB Unul dintre cei mai iubiți jucători din istoria FCSB,…

Venice Biennale 2024: Nordic pavilion explores mythmaking amid ‘canon’ controversy

Venice Biennale 2024: Nordic pavilion explores mythmaking amid ‘canon’ controversy

The Swedish artist Lap-See Lam is drawing on the Cantonese operas of the 19th century to explore the ‘fiction’ of culture Amid a polarising debate taking place in Sweden over what constitutes culture, the artist behind this year’s Nordic pavilion at the Venice Biennale hopes her multilingual opera staged on a Chinese dragon ship will…

MEPs to vote on divisive migration policy in ‘big moment for Europe’

MEPs to vote on divisive migration policy in ‘big moment for Europe’

Proponents of legislation for bloc say it will take away far-right arguments but critics claim the opposite The European parliament is to vote on Wednesday on sweeping new laws to overhaul its migration policy amid renewed criticism that it is feeding the agenda of the extreme right rather than protecting vulnerable people. Ylva Johansson, the…

The German valley that was swept away: ‘The cemeteries gave up their dead’

The German valley that was swept away: ‘The cemeteries gave up their dead’

When the Ahr River burst its banks in 2021, 188 people died and whole villages and towns were destroyed. Could it all happen again? When the waters rose, Meike and Dörte Näkel weren’t worried. People in this part of the world, the Ahr valley in Germany, are used to it. The river flooded in 2016,…

Animal tranquilliser found in cannabis vapes and illicit sedatives in UK

Animal tranquilliser found in cannabis vapes and illicit sedatives in UK

Xylazine can cause skin ulcers and overdoses and has caused multiple deaths since 2022, warn researchers People buying cannabis vapes and illicit sedatives to treat pain, anxiety and insomnia risk unknowingly consuming a powerful animal tranquilliser that can cause skin ulcers and overdoses. Xylazine has been prevalent in the US for several years, where it…

Color me surprised: Kobo’s finally beaten Kindle with its latest ereaders

Color me surprised: Kobo’s finally beaten Kindle with its latest ereaders

Color ereaders aren’t new – brands like Onyx and PocketBook have been making them for a while – but I’ve been waiting a long time to see a color-screen Kindle or Kobo. It’s finally happened with the Japanese-Canadian brand today (April 10) announcing not one, but two new color ereaders at the same time! Called…

A faster, better way to prevent an AI chatbot from giving toxic responses | MIT News

A faster, better way to prevent an AI chatbot from giving toxic responses | MIT News

A user could ask ChatGPT to write a computer program or summarize an article, and the AI chatbot would likely be able to generate useful code or write a cogent synopsis. However, someone could also ask for instructions to build a bomb, and the chatbot might be able to provide those, too. To prevent this…

México pide a América Latina que respalde la demanda contra Ecuador en la justicia internacional

México pide a América Latina que respalde la demanda contra Ecuador en la justicia internacional

La diplomacia latinoamericana se ha activado al máximo con la crisis entre México y Ecuador. Tanto la Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribeños (Celac) como la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA) se reunieron este martes en sesiones extraordinarias para abordar el violento asalto a la Embajada mexicana en Quito el pasado viernes. En la…

Quand la Russie et la Chine lorgnent sur nos Outre-mer

Quand la Russie et la Chine lorgnent sur nos Outre-mer

Dans cet épisode de La Loupe, Alexandra Saviana, journaliste au service Société de L’Express, revient sur la présence de plus en plus forte de la Chine et de la Russie en Outre-mer. RETROUVEZ TOUS LES EPISODES DE LA LOUPE Écoutez cet épisode et abonnez-vous à La Loupe sur Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Podcast…

Pr Antoine Flahault : “Mon rêve secret ? Que Netflix nous aide à vivre plus longtemps”

Pr Antoine Flahault : “Mon rêve secret ? Que Netflix nous aide à vivre plus longtemps”

Les plats s’enchaînent. Du poisson, pas de vin, mais en dessert, une généreuse panacotta aux fruits rouges. “Pourquoi pas, si on ne grignote pas entre les repas”, sourit l’épidémiologiste Antoine Flahault, entre deux bouchées. Consulté comme un oracle durant la crise sanitaire, le spécialiste est venu, le temps d’un déjeuner, nous présenter son nouveau livre,…

16 of the best Cambridge University courses you can take for free

16 of the best Cambridge University courses you can take for free

TL;DR: A wide range of online courses from Cambridge University are available to take for free on edX. Have you ever heard of Cambridge University? Of course you have. It’s one of the most famous educational institutions in the world. How could you not? You might think that your opportunity to become a Cambridge University…

How to unblock and watch Xnxx porn for free

How to unblock and watch Xnxx porn for free

TL;DR: ExpressVPN is the best service for unblocking free porn sites. This high-speed VPN can reliably bypass content restrictions to unblock sites like Pornhub, XVideos, and Xnxx. There is a time and place for visiting your favorite porn sites. There are a lot of locations around the world that block access to sites like Pornhub…

Los secretos del mundo del libro se convierten en una obra de teatro

Los secretos del mundo del libro se convierten en una obra de teatro

De todos los engranajes que forman parte del mundo editorial, probablemente el gran público solamente conoce al autor y al editor, pero poco, muy poco sabe sobre una pieza fundamental, el intermediario entre uno y otro antes de que el libro llegue a manos del lector: las agencias literarias. El escritor y periodista cultural Sergio…

Jo Brand’s Cats & Kittens Season 1 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Jo Brand’s Cats & Kittens Season 1 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Photo Credit: Channel 5 Television / Channel 5 Broadcasting Jo Brand’s Cats & Kittens Season 1 is a heartwarming documentary series showcasing animal welfare officers rescuing and caring for cats. The show highlights the challenges and joys of feline welfare work, emphasizing the importance of compassion and showcasing heartwarming adoption stories. Here’s how you can…

Ex-Präsident: Trump fliegt aus prominenter Reichen-Liste

Ex-Präsident: Trump fliegt aus prominenter Reichen-Liste

Dass er aus einer prominenten Reichen-Liste plumpst, dürfte Donald Trump schmerzen. Sieht er sich selbst doch als ungeheuer erfolgreichen Geschäftsmann. Sein Vermögen ist jedoch eher virtueller Natur. Donald Trump hält viel auf sich. Vor allem als Geschäftsmann. Der Immobilienmakler aus New York rühmte sich schon immer seines ausgeprägten Gespürs für gute Deals und protzt gern…

Fenomenul bolnavilor de cancer forțați să dea statul român în judecată pentru dreptul la viață. Reprezentant al pacienților: „Luptă mai mult cu sistemul decât cu boala”

Fenomenul bolnavilor de cancer forțați să dea statul român în judecată pentru dreptul la viață. Reprezentant al pacienților: „Luptă mai mult cu sistemul decât cu boala”

Sute de români diagnosticați cu diverse forme de cancer reușesc să-și asigure banii pentru tratamentele infernal de scumpe doar după ce înving statul în instanță. Statistica arată că, în fiecare an, în România se înregistrează peste 20.000 de decese evitabile din patologia oncologică, cu peste 45% mai multe faţă de media europeană. Bianca nu a…

Top NFL prospect charged with DWI after early morning crash in Texas, affidavit says

Top NFL prospect charged with DWI after early morning crash in Texas, affidavit says

Editor’s Note: The above video shows T’Vondre Sweat leaving Travis County jail on Sunday, April 7, 2024. AUSTIN, Texas (KXAN) — Former Texas Longhorns football player and projected 2024 NFL draft pick T’Vondre Sweat was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated after an early Sunday morning crash in north Austin, according to court records….

Wolcott Season 1 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Wolcott Season 1 Streaming: Watch & Stream Online via Amazon Prime Video

Photo Credit: ITC Entertainment Wolcott Season 1 is a 1981 drama series depicting the challenges faced by a newly promoted detective in the CID as he tackles crimes and confronts corruption in his community, while also dealing with personal struggles. The series explores themes of power, justice, and morality against the backdrop of a turbulent…

Vremea 10 aprilie: Temperaturi maxime de aproape 30 de grade. Ce zone sunt vizate

Vremea 10 aprilie: Temperaturi maxime de aproape 30 de grade. Ce zone sunt vizate

Astazi, vremea va fi în continuare frumoasă și deosebit de caldă pentru această dată. Cerul va fi mai mult senin exceptând în orele nopții nordul Moldovei și al Carpaților Orientali, unde vor fi înnorări și cu totul izolat posibile ploi slabe, trecătoare. Vântul va sufla slab și moderat, cu ușoare intensificări în sudul Banatului, iar…

Stanford basketball coach Tara VanDerveer retires after setting NCAA wins record

Stanford basketball coach Tara VanDerveer retires after setting NCAA wins record

Stanford coach Tara VanDerveer smiles as players celebrate her 1,202nd victory as a college coach, against Oregon in an NCAA basketball game Friday, Jan. 19, 2024, in Stanford, Calif. VanDerveer tied former Duke mens basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski for the most wins. (AP Photo/Tony Avelar) (Tony Avelar/AP) Stanford basketball coach Tara VanDerveer retires after setting…

Caught up in the FAFSA chaos? Some seniors now have a workaround

Caught up in the FAFSA chaos? Some seniors now have a workaround

LOS ANGELES, CA – FEBRUARY 08: Lynda McGee, a college counselor, helps students fill FASFA application at Downtown Magnets High School, Los Angeles, CA. (Irfan Khan / Los Angeles Times) (Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times) Caught up in the FAFSA chaos? Some seniors now have a workaround Breaking News,Education Ashley A. Smith April 9, 2024 There’s…

Rmag Breaking News

Ordin de mobilizare pentru rezerviști din Armata României

Ministerul Apărării Naționale anunță un exerciți de mobilizare pentru verificarea stadiului pregătirii populației, economiei și teritoriului pentru apărare MOBEX BR-GL-24 ce se va desfășura, în perioada 8-12 aprilie. Potrivit MApN, în perioada 8-12 aprilie se desfășoară un exercițiu de mobilizare pentru verificarea stadiului pregătirii populației, economiei și teritoriului pentru apărare, în județele Brăila și Galați,…