Stoltenberg dă asigurări că NATO nu este şi nu va fi parte a războiului din Ucraina. Nicio promisiune concretă pentru Kiev în privința sistemelor Patriot

Stoltenberg dă asigurări că NATO nu este şi nu va fi parte a războiului din Ucraina. Nicio promisiune concretă pentru Kiev în privința sistemelor Patriot

Alianța Nord-Atlantică nu este şi nu va fi parte a conflictului din Ucraina, a declarat joi, 4 aprilie, secretarul general Jens Stoltenberg, în conferinţa de presă de la finalul reuniunii miniştrilor de externe ai statelor membre, informează Agerpres. „Nu avem planuri să trimitem trupe de luptă în Ucraina, nu a existat o solicitare pentru aşa…

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Avvocato vicino alla ‘ndrangheta, si torna al Riesame

Avvocato vicino alla ‘ndrangheta, si torna al Riesame

Il Quotidiano del Sud Avvocato vicino alla ‘ndrangheta, si torna al Riesame VIBO VALENTIA – La Sesta Sezione della Corte di Cassazione all’esito dell’udienza del 4 aprile ha annullato con rinvio l’ordinanza emessa dal Tribunale del Riesame di Catanzaro, il 12 ottobre 2023, nei confronti dell’avvocato Francesco Sabatino, arrestato nell’inchiesta antimafia della Dda di Catanzaro…

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Angriff auf Juden: Diese Prügel-Attacke kostet 100.000 Euro!

Angriff auf Juden: Diese Prügel-Attacke kostet 100.000 Euro!

Der Fall hat bundesweit für Schlagzeilen gesorgt: Im September 2021 war in der Hamburger City ein damals 60-jähriger Jude von einem 17-jährigen Passanten tätlich angegriffen und schwer verletzt worden. Jetzt hat eine Zivilkammer des Landgerichts dem Opfer eine Schadenersatzsumme zugesprochen, wie sie in dieser Höhe ziemlich selten ist. 100.000 Euro muss Aram A., der Täter,…

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Rmag Breaking News

Seasoned DJ/Producer Feint Embraces Independence with Authentic Release ‘Farcall’

After more than ten years of shaping the drum and bass landscape, Feint once again redefines his musical journey with his latest endeavor, “Farcall.” Opting for an independent release route for the second time in his career, Feint embarks on a new path that showcases his unwavering commitment to innovation and artistic freedom. “Farcall” is…

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Police launch inquiry after MPs targeted in apparent ‘spear-phishing’ attack

Police launch inquiry after MPs targeted in apparent ‘spear-phishing’ attack

At least a dozen people sent suspicious messages, with senior figures suggesting foreign state could be culprit A police investigation has been launched after MPs were apparently targeted in a “spear-phishing” attack, in what security experts believe could be an attempt to compromise parliament. A police force said it had started an inquiry after receiving…

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Rmag Breaking News

Music at the Heart of HoneyWorks’ Characters: Creators Discuss LIPxLIP & What’s More Important Than Buzz

On March 13, LIPxLIP, the men’s idol unit produced by HoneyWorks consisting of Yujiro (voiced by Koki Uchiyama) and Aizo (voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki), released their second album, Umarete Kita Koto Ni Kansha Shinasai! (“Be Thankful You Were Born!”). To commemorate this release, the unit’s first album in roughly four years, Billboard Japan interviewed HoneyWorks…

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Former Albuquerque Public Schools bus driver pleads guilty to three cold-case rapes

Former Albuquerque Public Schools bus driver pleads guilty to three cold-case rapes

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – A former Albuquerque Public Schools (APS) bus driver pleaded guilty to raping three women between 1988 and 1991. The 61-year-old man, Ralph Martinez, admitted to assaulting the women and pleaded guilty to six counts of criminal sexual penetration in court on Thursday. According to the district attorney’s office, Martinez broke into the…

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