PSD-PNL will have common candidates in the local elections in Timiș, Brașov, Bacău, District 1 and 5 in Bucharest

PSD-PNL will have common candidates in the local elections in Timiș, Brașov, Bacău, District 1 and 5 in Bucharest

The leaders of the Coalition took the decision in the meeting on Monday to go for the option of joint candidates for the local elections in the municipalities of Brașov (PNL candidate for the position of mayor) and Bacău (PSD candidate for the position of mayor), according to political sources. Also, in Timiș County, the…

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Rmag Breaking News

Nicolae Manolescu gestorben

Bukarest (ADZ) – Der renommierte Literaturkritiker, -historiker und amtierende Vorsitzende des rumänischen Schriftstellerverbands, Nicolae Manolescu, ist am Wochenende im Alter von 84 Jahren aus dem Leben geschieden. Manolescu erlag im Bukarester Elias-Krankenhaus einem Herzinfarkt. Mit Nicolae Manolescu verliere das Land seinen wohl „wichtigsten Literaturkritiker und -historiker seit Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs“, schrieb der Literaturkritiker Mircea…

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Wife in America’s fourth-richest family bashes ‘small-minded community’ after she buys up real estate

Wife in America’s fourth-richest family bashes ‘small-minded community’ after she buys up real estate

The wife of James Cargill II, a billionaire in America’s fourth-wealthiest family, bashed a “small-minded community” in Minnesota for their concerns about her buying up available homes in their neighborhood. Kathy Cargill began attracting attention last year after scooping up 10 homes in the 7-mile-long neighborhood of Park Point along a Lake Superior sandbar in…

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Putin’s lethally negligent failure can’t be covered up. The Moscow attack leaves him weaker than ever | Simon Tisdall

Putin’s lethally negligent failure can’t be covered up. The Moscow attack leaves him weaker than ever | Simon Tisdall

The mask of invincibility is slipping ever further, and eventually that will matter. This debacle won’t be forgiven or forgotten Each time Vladimir Putin messes up, the same question is asked: will it make any difference? Last week’s terrorist attack on the Crocus City concert hall near Moscow, which killed 137 people, is one of…

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Gyereksereg rendőrruhába bújva

Gyereksereg rendőrruhába bújva

A Román Rendőrség Napja alkalmából rendeztek bemutatót az érdeklődők számára a csíkszeredai Szabadság téren. Az elsősorban gyerekeket célzó esemény a pályaválasztás előtt állóknak is betekintést szándékszik nyújtani a rendőri munkába. A rendezvény keretében rendőrautókba lehetett beülni, szirénázni, dudálni, és még a kihangosítót is használhatták a kicsik. Több tematikus stand mellett haladva sebességmérővel, helyszínelési eszközökkel találkozhattak…

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