RMAG news

Boiled down: Getters/setters in JavaScript

Security and flexibility with getters and setters In JavaScript, there are two kinds of object properties: Data properties: let myObj = {name: “Joseph“, surname: “Joestar“} // name and surname are data properties myObj.name // Joseph Accessor properties let myObj = { get name() { return this._name; }, set name(value) { this._name = value; }, get…

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Learning AWS Day by Day - Day 53 - Differences between SQS, SNS and Amazon MQ

Learning AWS Day by Day - Day 53 - Differences between SQS, SNS and Amazon MQ

Exploring AWS !! Day 53 Differences between SQS, SNS and Amazon MQ SQS, SNS and Amazon MQ are all scalable and highly available messaging services. SQS - decoupling of distributed software systems. Messages in queue are processed by a single subscriber. Fanout applications - created using SNS and SQS together. SNS - pub-sub model that provides message delivery from producers to multiple…

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RMAG news

Alessia D’Alessandro e il post su Instagram: chi la compagna di Luigi Di Maio. La coppia aspetta un figlio

Luigi Di Maio diventerà papà. La sua compagna Alessia D’Alessandro aspetta un bambino che come riportato da Adnkronos, “nascerà in Germania“. Il parto è previsto a settembre e il figlio (o figlia) avrà come la madre la doppia cittadinanza, italiana e tedesca. Infatti, la D’Alessandro, 33 anni, ha il papà italiano e la mamma tedesca e da…

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