Un nou lanț de supermarketuri în România. Se deschid peste 200 de magazine, retailerul polonez va face angajări masive

Un nou lanț de supermarketuri în România. Se deschid peste 200 de magazine, retailerul polonez va face angajări masive

Un nou lanț de supermarketuri apare în România, un retailer polonez urmând să facă angajări masive și să deschidă peste 200 de magazine în mai multe zone ale țării. Primele recrutări se fac în această perioadă. Apare un nou lanț de supermarketuri în România, se fac angajări masive Este vorba despre una dintre cele mai…

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Ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump was once paid by DNC for ‘political consulting’

Ex-top Biden DOJ official now prosecuting Trump was once paid by DNC for ‘political consulting’

EXCLUSIVE: The Democratic National Committee paid Trump prosecutor Matthew Colangelo thousands of dollars for “political consulting” in 2018, Fox News Digital has learned.  Colangelo delivered opening statements in the unprecedented criminal trial of former President Trump and serves as a top prosecutor with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s Office on the case.  Colangelo joined Bragg’s…

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RMAG news

Hamburger Arzt wegen Corona-Attesten vor Gericht – Verteidigung mit kurioser Rüge

Der Arzt, dem die Querdenker vertrauen? Panikattacke oder Asthma – mit solchen Diagnosen soll ein Hamburger Mediziner seine Patienten in der Corona-Zeit vor der Maskenpflicht bewahrt haben. Nun muss sich der 80-Jährige vor Gericht verantworten. Seine Verteidiger wollten direkt die Verlesung der Anklage verhindern – und scheiterten. Unter großem öffentlichem Interesse hat am Montag ein…

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RMAG news

Stack Overflow signs deal with OpenAI to supply data to its models

OpenAI is collaborating with Stack Overflow, the Q&A forum for software developers, to improve its generative AI models’ performance on programming-related tasks. As a result of the partnership, announced Monday, OpenAI’s models, including models served through its ChatGPT chatbot platform, should get better over time at answering programming-related questions, the two companies say. At the…

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