Sondaj Sociopol: Alianța PSD-PNL ar câștiga detașat alegerile pentru Consiliul General al Municipiului București – 57%, dar candidatul său la Primăria Capitalei, medicul Cîrstoiu, e abia pe locul 3. Datele complete

Sondaj Sociopol: Alianța PSD-PNL ar câștiga detașat alegerile pentru Consiliul General al Municipiului București – 57%, dar candidatul său la Primăria Capitalei, medicul Cîrstoiu, e abia pe locul 3. Datele complete

Un sondaj realizat de Sociopol, în perioada 21 – 24 martie, arată că alianța PSD-PNL ar câștiga alegerile pentru Consiliul General al Municipiului București cu 57%, la mare distanță de locul 2 – Alianța Dreapta Unită (USR-PMP-FD), care abia ar obține 22%. În schimb, Nicușor Dan, candidatul independent susținut de Alianța Dreapta Unită, ar obține…

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„Major Tom“ als DFB-Torhymne? Jetzt spricht der Sänger selbst – und auch Nagelsmann

„Major Tom“ als DFB-Torhymne? Jetzt spricht der Sänger selbst – und auch Nagelsmann

Einige deutsche Fußballfans würden Tore der Nationalmannschaft künftig am liebsten „völlig losgelöst von der Erde“ feiern. In einer Online-Petition werden seit Sonntag zweieinhalb Monate vor der Heim-EM Unterschriften dafür gesammelt, dass künftig bei Treffern der DFB-Auswahl der Neue-Deutsche-Welle-Hit „Major Tom“ von Peter Schilling gespielt wird. Bis zum Montagnachmittag kamen bereits über 30.000 Stimmen zusammen. Grundsätzlich…

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To Infinity And Beyond: Analyst Forecasts Bitcoin To Hit $100,000 In High-Speed

To Infinity And Beyond: Analyst Forecasts Bitcoin To Hit $100,000 In High-Speed

Cryptocurrency expert and analyst Doctor Profit has identified regions that are vital for Bitcoin (BTC) presently, which could possibly propel the crypto asset’s price to unprecedented heights at a very fast pace. For the most part, the cryptocurrency community is concerned about the way that Bitcoin’s price has performed during the last week. Nonetheless, Doctor…

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Here’s Why The Dogecoin Price Surged Over The Weekend

Here’s Why The Dogecoin Price Surged Over The Weekend

Popular doggy-themed cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, has recently experienced an exponential surge in its price value. Despite its previously sluggish price momentum, Dogecoin witnessed a massive $800 million increase in open interest over the weekend. Interestingly, a recent development indicates that Elon Musk’s X Payment LLC has greatly contributed to this price pump.  Why Dogecoin Price Rose…

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CSA Steaua, proiect uriaș! Investiție de zeci de milioane de euro în Ghencea. Exclusiv

CSA Steaua, proiect uriaș! Investiție de zeci de milioane de euro în Ghencea. Exclusiv

FANATIK a aflat că CSA Steaua București va avea o nouă sală polivalentă în complexul Ghencea. Când va fi gata proiectul și alte detalii extrem de interesante despre planurile „militarilor”. CSA Steaua București va avea o nouă sală polivalentă de peste 5.000 de locuri Din informațiile FANATIK, MApN a pregătit nota conceptuală, studiul de prefezabilitate…

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Publications scientifiques : le controversé système Sigaps dans le viseur des chercheurs

Publications scientifiques : le controversé système Sigaps dans le viseur des chercheurs

Qui veut la peau du système Sigaps ? Tous les chercheurs, ou presque. Depuis des années et en particulier depuis la crise du Covid-19, le Système d’interrogation, de gestion et d’analyse des publications scientifiques est dans le viseur de nombreux spécialistes de l’éthique scientifique. Mercredi 20 mars, il a même été l’objet d’une conférence-débat au sein du…

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A szenátus már hallgatólagosan elfogadta: büntetőpont járhat a járó motorral parkolásért

A szenátus már hallgatólagosan elfogadta: büntetőpont járhat a járó motorral parkolásért

A felsőház plénumának hétfői ülésén Sorin Cîmpeanu, a szenátus alelnöke jelentette be, hogy a törvénymódosító tervezet megvitatásának és elfogadásának határideje március 20. volt, ezért hallgatólagosan elfogadottnak tekinthető – számol be az Agerpres. A jogszabályjavaslat szerint a tiltás nem terjed ki a megkülönböztető jelzés használatára jogosult járművekre, a hűtőkocsikra és a hidraulikus/mechanikus berendezéseket aktívan használó járművekre,…

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Minnesota lawmaker proposes making it legal for women to go topless, citing ‘gender identity’

Minnesota lawmaker proposes making it legal for women to go topless, citing ‘gender identity’

A Minnesota lawmaker wants to make it legal for women to go topless in public after a resident was sentenced to jail for “indecent exposure” related to uncovered breasts. “This to me seems really wrong,” Minnesota House Rep. Samantha Sencer-Mura told The Star Tribune regarding the conviction. “Particularly now, as we as a society are…

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